16. Morning, love

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The sun was beginning to shine brightly as the birds were chirping there cheerful tune and Lan Zhan was the first to wake up. He enjoyed the peacfull vibe as he layed there, he slightly turned his head to the side and noticed Wei Ying was also sleeping while being cuddled up to his side and was hugging his arm tightly. He smiled at the sight as he remembered last night. They had finally confessed to each other after so long and were now a couple, Lan Zhan was so happy that he could comfortably show his love to the younger and that they no longer had to hide their feelings. Lan Zhan turned his head to face the ceiling once again but didn't want to move as he was scared that he would wake Wei Ying up. After some time passed, Wei Ying also woke up, he could feel that he was hugging something warm and as he opened his eyes he saw Lan Zhan right besides him and smiled at the sight.

He was so happy and relieved that Lan Zhan had felt the same way regarding his feelings and now that they were a couple they could openly love each other. As he starred at the older admiring his beauty, the latter turned his face to look at the younger once again and they both looked at each other, Wei Ying gave him a big smile, wich was returned by the older." Good morning". Said Wei Ying in a happy tone." Good morning". Replied Lan Zhan in a more calmer voice." Did you sleep alright?" Asked Lan Zhan after a moment of looking at each other." I did, i think it was the best sleep i have ever gotten actually". Said the younger as he smiled at Lan Zhan, the latter smiling at the younger's cuteness." We should get ready now, i remember that breakfast is about to start, no?". Said Wei Ying as he sat up in the bed." You are right, let's go". Said Lan Zhan as he got up and picked up his formal clothes and put them on, Wei Ying getting up and doing the same thing.

Once they were both ready, Wei Ying went to the door before the younger and stood before it as Lan Zhan walked until he was infront of the younger." What is it". He asked as he noticed the mischief in his eyes and the teasing smile he had." If you want to go outside you have to give me something first". Said Wei Ying in a teasing way wich made Lan Zhan look at him confused." You have to give me a kiss". He said as he pointed to his cheek and started giggling. Lan Zhan looked at him for a moment before he lowered his head to be the same height as his lover and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek.
As he was about to straighten himself again, Wei Ying grabbed him by the neck and also gave him a kiss on his cheek wich left the older blushing as Wei Ying opened the door and walked out." Come on Lan Zhan or we're gonna be late". He said in a singsong voice as he walked out and had Lan Zhan follow him until they were both walking together.

As they walked, Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand and held it rather gently as he wasn't sure whether or not the younger would be comfortable holding his hand in public but the younger didn't do anything to stop it, infact he held his hand too, even tighter to reassure him that he was infact ok with being public." Lan Zhan, should we perhaps tell your brother about us?". Asked Wei Ying as they were almost infront of the dinning hall." If you are comfortable then i do not see why not". Replied Lan Zhan as he turned to smile at the boy that was on walking besides him." Then you tell him". He said and just then they both entered the hall. Lan Zhan took Wei Ying by the hand and walked him to their usual seat where they sat, wich was also next to the seat where Lan Xichen would sit.

As they sat down, Xichen noticed them and of course he like everyone else in the room noticed that the two were holding hands. As the couple sat down, the older Lan turned to them and smiled, secretly sending his little brother a smirk as he saw them together." Hello little brother and childe Wei, i hope you slept well". He said as the two looked at him at the same time." Good morning Zewu-Jun". Replied the youngest." Good morning xiongzhang". Said Lan Zhan as Wei Ying looked at him and then at Xichen, as if telling him to tell him." Brother, may i tell you something". Asked Lan Zhan as his brother was about to start eating." Of course Wangji". He said as he put his chopsticks down." Me and Wei Ying are a couple". He blurted out as he shyly looked at Wei Ying.
" I know, it is quite obvious but thank you for telling me". He  said as to the two as they started at him with wide eyes." Is it that obvious?". Asked Wei Ying making the oldest of the three laugh as they looked at him while blushing." Well, let's eat now, breakfeast is almost over". He said as he started eating. The two looked at each other and smiled as they also started eating.

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