She sees you cry for the first time [F]

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Taylor walked in the door with a smile on her face. She wanted nothing more than to cuddle with you and the cats and watch movies. Only, the apartment was eerily quiet.

She walked towards your bedroom door and heard cries and sniffles. Her smile quickly dropped and she slowly opened the door to see you in a fetal position, cuddling Olivia while you cried into your pillow.

She walked over and sat down on the bed. You were startled from the dip in the mattress only to realize it was just your girlfriend.

The blonde pushed away some hair from your face. "Hey, care to tell me what's wrong?" She asked gently.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "My boss yelled at me today."

"She did what?" Taylor asked, a little more sternly this time.

"Yeah, she yelled at me because I wasn't working quick enough. But Tay, I was so exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open."

Taylor opened her arms, "Come here babygirl." You cuddled into her, as you'd tied some more into her chest.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." She soothed as she stroked your hair. "I'm sorry. I'm just being sensitive." You said when you sat back up, after you finally calmed down.

"No, no, baby. You have every right to be upset. She shouldn't have yelled at you. How about we cuddle with the cats and watch movies while drinking hot chocolate?"

A small smile made its way to your lips and you nodded. You then walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch, all the cats immediately making their way to sit by you, as if they knew you were sad.

Taylor came back from the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate and she handed one to you. The two of you put a blanket over your legs as you rested your feet on the ottoman. You scrolled to find a movie and ended up picking Cats.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "Oh dear god."

You giggled, "It's my favorite movie, babe. Mainly because it has you in it."

The blonde sighed and put her arm around your shoulders.

"You're lucky I love you." She said.

"I love you too Taylor."

First imagine in this book! So very excited!

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