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A/n: sooo, majority of the people want Rin and Isagi paired with each other, but then someone also wanted Nagi, I'll figure smth out 😋.






The next day came by, and the day went awfully fast, Isagi and Hyo had both gotten permission to get a dorm, which Hyo was overly excited about. It was now currently lunchtime and Hyo and Reo were talking about it.

"Yeah! I hope it's someone I atleast know and not some stranger." Hyo chuckled awkwardly.

"I 100% agree." Reo nodded his head agreeing.

Meanwhile Nagi was currently in-between Isagis arms playing his game. Isagi just watched, they were both in comfortable silence. As Hyo and Reo were being chaotic together.

"Ah! Right, tomorrow, should we sign up for the soccer club?" Reo asked looking at Hyo.

"Oh! Should we Isagi and Nagi?" Hyo said looking over at Isagi and Nagi.

"Sure, I don't mind." Isagi replied while Nagi hummed in agreement.

"Alright! Sure we'll sign up tomorrow!" He chuckled and looked at Reo who nodded.

Lunchtime finished and school finished soon after. Hyo and Isagi had met up with Reo and Nagi to go and get their dorms. Once again, they walked to the huge building and to the desk where the lady was and handed their forms in.

"Thank you! Here are your keys!" She smiled and held out 4 keys for them all, which they all individually took.

They all looked at the numbers engraved on the key.





"Why am I in the 200's.." Isagi groaned softly thinking about all the stairs he'd have to climb.

"87...would that be on floor 2 or 3?" Nagi hummed.

"Maybe 2." Isagi responded.

"We're in the same dorm Reo!" Hyo exclaimed and Reo nodded excitedly.

"Ah, wait sorry, did you say number 87?" The lady asked and Nagi nodded.

"Can you please hand me that back? That room is full." She awkwardly chuckled and Nagi have her the key back.

"Here, take this one." She said and handed him another key.

"Thanks." Nagi replied and looked at the number with the other 3 also looking with him.

"210.." Nagi mumbled.

"Oh hey! You and Isagi are sharing!" Hyo said.

"What are the odds in that." Reo chuckled.

"Okay then...so we have to go find our dorms?" Reo asked.

"Guess so." Isagi hummed.

"Alright then!" Hyo nodded.

They all began walking and realized there was an elevator they could take, they came to the realization this school must have a lot of money. They looked at floor 3 first to see if Reo and Hyo we're on that floor and they weren't, so they went to floor 4.

Which they found Reo and Hyo's dorm together.

"Alright! Well text us when yous are all settled in, we'll come to yous." Hyo responded and Reo nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright." Isagi nodded and waved bye, Nagi doing the same thing.

Nagi and Isagi then began walking back in comfortable silence, both of them just on their phones as they walked back into the elevator and they were heading to floor 5.

"This is a lot of walking." Nagi groaned softly.

Isagi just laughed softly in response as they both kept looking at all the numbers, before coming to realization that they were on the 6th floor. As they were walking, Nagi had grabbed a hold of Isagis pinkie.

Isagi looked at Nagi in somewhat surprise but seeing him focused on his phone, he didn't say anything, nor pull his hand away. So right now they were somewhat walking hand in hand together, Isagi just assumed Nagi also liked holding people's hands.

He'll ask Reo about this later on.

Once they reached the 6th floor, thankfully it didn't take them long to find their dorm room, but why exactly did they have to be so high up for? They were still holding each other's pinkie as Isagi unlocked the door and pushed it opened.

They walked into the dorm, it was warm and nice which they were both thankful for since it was cold. Nagi shut the dorm room door behind the both of them.

"This is nice." Nagi mumbled looking around and Isagi nodded in agreement.

"Oi, Bachira I told you not to come into my dorm uninvit-"

Nagi and Isagi paused and looked at the boy who had just walked into the opened living room.

"What." Isagi said and narrowed his eyes, Nagi looked at him confused.

"What exactly are you doing in here." Rin asked and stared at him.

"I'm here because this is mine and Nagi's dorm?" Isagi said.

"Isn't there supposed to only be 2 people in a dorm?" Rin asked him.

"Then why were we both given keys?" Isagi asked.

"Don't ask me, I was just saying." Rin said.

"Yeah okay." Isagi rolled his eyes making Rin click his tongue annoyed.

"Do you guys...know each other?" Nagi asked looking at the both of them, Rin sighed.

"Unfortunately so."

"Never met him in my life."

They both just stared at Isagi.

"Just saying." Isagi said.

"Well, whatever then, yous will have to share a bed or one of yous sleep out here then, because there's only 2 rooms." Rin explained and headed back to the kitchen.

Isagi and Nagi both looked at each other.

"I don't mind." They both said at the same time.

"Ah- alright." Isagi awkwardly chuckled.

They both walked into the room, Isagi glared at Rin as they left, which Rin returned the glare. As they walked into the room, Nagi closed the door.

"This is a nice space." Nagi hummed.

"Yeah...you can have the dresser, I'll use the closet for my clothes." Isagi said and Nagi nodded, and they unlinked hands to go to their space.

As they were unpacking some of the clothes they had both brought, Nagi decided to ask Isagi a question.

"So...Isagi, what exactly happened between you and Itoshi?"


A/n: I am so sorry for the lack of updates and all, but how has this gotten so much attention?? 😭

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