When I met him.

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I remember when I met Luca, it was at a unified arts convention. It contained many different types of art, some not so talented or complicated and some approached my level of artistic ability but I knew none of them would ever meet my potential. No invention, painting or art of any kind could compare to my own work, nor did it deserve to be compared to mine as it would be an insult to both sides.

I remember the elegant Violin music flowed through the long halls of the artistically sculpted building. I walked through yet another exhibit growing bored until a certain machine and a person behind it caught my eye...

I casually walk over and inspect the machine. A small placard said "The perpetual motion machine." In neatly etched handwriting. Before I could ask any questions about the machine a man behind it spoke in my direction. "It's a prototype, but we are close to making it a reality. Feel free to ask questions."

"We?" Just then a boy my age popped out from behind the prototype giving a shaky smile. "Hello, ma'am." Did he just call me "ma'am"? Am I really dressed that feminine? Was it my hair? He walked over and grabbed my hand, kneeling down to kiss it and my face felt hot. Like really, really, hot.

The tall man didn't seem to notice until he started speaking again. "I didn't realise such pretty woman were into engineering now~"

"Luca-" The tall man interrupted him giving him a confused look. "Oh, my apologies! My name is Luca, Lucas Balsa. I am Alva Lorenz' apprentice." He gestured to the man. Ok Luca and Alva, it would have been nice to know his name before he decided to flirt with me as if I was a woman. Why did I enjoy it though, he was a man like I was and yet I didn't deny being a woman because I enjoyed the small touches that any gentleman would give to a woman they respect, but these weren't just out of respect, these were different.

I didn't notice that I was spacing out until Luca spoke again. "And yours?" I shook my head and responded. "Ed- It's Evelyn." As I spoke I noticed that my voice really was that delicate, I held my hands together and they were pretty soft, my hair was auburn brown, long and curly tied into a bow, I knew my eyes were very pretty shade of blue, easy to get lost in, framed with long lashes, my lips were soft and pink as well and I dressed in a casual feminine outfit.

"A beautiful name, like you." I felt my face flush again, this feeling wasn't right men weren't supposed to like other men, that was just unnatural, but something about him was just so charming and beautiful I wanted to savour this feeling, maybe I would have to keep up this female identity for a little bit. A 'little bit' being forever, I just wanted wake up beside him, hold him close on rainy days, cook him his favourite meal when he was sick, paint him whenever I pleased, I suddenly needed to be held by him, comforted, until all my trauma left my body, he could heal me I knew it. I never believed in love at first sight but if it's real than this is the best example anyone will ever wittness in their life.

"Oh, why- thanks, Lucas." I could feel my face heating up again, it had to be noticable. Unless Luca was blind or severely unaware of his surroundings, which based off of what just happened, he probably is.

"You can just call me Luca, I forgot just how much I hate being called Lucas. Are you from around here, Evelyn?" I slowly nodded. "Sorry, Luca. I just moved here from.. uh.. France.." Why did I just make that up, I am really french but I don't know if it's convincing...

"Thats interesting, I have never met a French person before, you should stop our lab sometime! If you would like to see the progress on our machine, that is."

"Of course, I would love too." I said trying to not sound too enthusiastic. He smiled again and I noticed he had this, rather cute, fang protruding from his top row of teeth. I smile back, I couldn't help it he was just so cute...

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