Chapter - 14

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Nobody's POV:

Seungmin already finished eating awhile ago, right now Minho was washing the dishes in the kitchen while Seungmin was sitting on Minho's bed zoning out.

Seungmin was worried about Felix wether he made it out of here safely or not, he was also wondering how he knew where he was. Seungmin keeps thinking that something bad is going to happen to himself, the figure that keeps appearing whether in his dreams or real life tells him bad things which might be a sign that something bad might happen in Seungmin's life.

Minho finished washing the dishes and walked up to his room thinking that Seungmin already went to sleep.

Minho entered his room to find Seungmin frowning while sitting on the bed, "why aren't you asleep yet? And why are you in my room?" Minho asked curiously.

Seungmin looked up at Minho then looked back down, "I'm not tired.." Seungmin mumbled. "Are you not feeling well?" Minho asked worriedly as he sat down next to him. "I'm fine, nothing to worry about," Seungmin tried his best to smile.

Minho sighed as he looked into Seungmin's eyes, "you can tell me anything Seungmin, but I won't force you to say it." Minho said in a calm tone, Seungmin smiled slightly and then nodded.

"Do you want to go to bed now or do you want to stay up for a bit?" Minho asked Seungmin. "I'm kinda tired so I'll go sleep, goodnight." Seungmin replied and got up from the bed, Minho nodded as he watched Seungmin leave him room and shut the door behind him.

Seungmin walked to his room and plopped onto his bed in exhaustion, he laid in a comfortable position and closed his eyes trying to clear his thoughts. He fell asleep after a few minutes.

Minho's POV:

A few minutes after Seungmin left, I sighed as I got up from my bed. I decided to go meet Chan.

As I got to the dungeons, I saw Chan drinking a random person's blood. I didn't interrupt as he will get mad if I do so I just waited for him to finish. After Bangchan threw the body into a cell, I walked up to him. "So.. any information about Jeongin?" I asked, he turned around and looked at me. "I have alot to share about him." Chan said as he leaned against the table, crossing his arms.

"Go ahead, I'll listen." I stood there in front of him waiting for him to speak.

"Jeongin had a family, he also had an elder brother. His parents were abusive in the past when he wasn't a vampire yet. But when the war between the humans and vampire started, he was chased by 2 really powerful vampires, more powerful than our boss. But now they are nowhere to be found, it's like they completely disappeared from this world. Jeongin was about 16 years old when the war began. That's all I know for now.. I'm not sure what happened when he was chased and how he turned into this type of vampire."

"Thanks. I'll have to go now." I said with no expressions on my face, "seriously? I talked so much and all I got was a 'thanks' and 'I'll have to go now'. Fuck you Minho." Chan said after Minho left, he rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

Nobody's POV:

Bangchan left the dungeons and went back to his house to relax for a while.

Minho was running in the woods, there was a staircase which leads to his real home. He quickly walked down the stairs, making sure he locked the opening to the stairs so no one enters.

"Father? Are you here." Minho called as his voice echoed, he walked further in and it leads to a throne in the middle of a room. "Welcome, my son. What is it that you need?" Mr. Lee said as he looked at Minho. Minho bowed then stood up straight, "I.. want to talk about.. Yang Jeongin." Minho said nervously, he knew his father didn't like that name but he doesn't know why. "I don't want to hear it." His father said as he looked at Minho with a bit of anger in his eyes.

"But father.. please-" Minho said with a slight frown on his face. "Leave Minho, I said I don't want to hear about him." Mr. Lee cut Minho off. Minho sighed as he turned around and walked back towards the stairs, he opened it and walked out closing it again.

Minho was annoyed that his father tells him to leave everytime he wanted to share about Jeongin, he just didn't know why he doesn't want to hear about him.

Minho stood there for a bit thinking about what to do next until his eyes started glowing red, he was hungry once again. He started running to a random direction until he finds a human, he ran further but he suddenly bumped into someone who was in the woods too. "Ow! Hey watch where you are going!" A teenage boy said as he looked at Minho. But Minho didn't care he walked towards the boy and and bit his neck, drinking his blood. The boy tried to scream for help but it was too late, he fell to the floor, he is dead.

Minho backed up slightly as he watched the boy fall to the floor, he hated being a vampire, he wanted to be a normal human.. live a normal life without any trouble. He felt tears in his eyes, but he held it back. "Why me?.. Why.. I hate this life so much.." Minho frowned as he sobbed silently.

He is always known for being strong, but now he is crying. So weak.. so pathetic.


I'm so sorry I didn't update for very long, and sorry that I made you wait for so long just for a short chapter. But I hope it's enough for now, I'll make the next chapter longer but it will take a longer time as I'm starting school in 5 days so I'm going to be busy asf.

Also thank you so much for 2k+ views?! I never expected this book to get that much views, I really appreciate it so much ❤

Also I lied, there is no fluff included in this chapter, sorry lol 😂

Goodbye for now!

Words: 1050

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