Chapter 17

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Chanhee sighed for the nth time that week. He has been sitting in the same four white walls that whole week with nothing to do, no phone, no tv, no books, no window to look out of. Just himself and the walls. 'What did I do to be stuck in this mess?' He asked as he looked around himself, another sigh escaping his lips.

He barely had anything to eat as his father didn't bother to bring him any food. To sum up, Chanhee was bored, starving, sticking, and all he wants to do was go home.

As he sat on the uncomfortable bed, he thought back to his mother and how much he misses her. Her smile, her laugh, the way she always made him feel at home, her warmth. You know what a mother should be. Loving, caring, always there for you, would never let anyone hurt you.

Chanhee misses all of that.

Then his thoughts moved onto his friends. Haknyeon's endless teasing for the others. Hyunjae's undying desire for Younghoon to notice him. Younghoon being oh so oblivious to Hyunjae's love towards him. Jacob's unfunny jokes, but everyone loves and adores him so they laugh to make him feel happy.

And then, Kevin, Chanhee's childhood best friend. The first friend that Chanhee ever made and stuck by each other since. He misses Kevin's realness. He misses how Kevin was always there to brighten up his day whenever he felt down. He misses Kevin's willpower to make him laugh during any serious situation. He also misses Kevin's advice, how he would always help Chanhee choose the right choice.

Chanhee misses his best friend.

Then his thoughts trailed off to the black haired boy that circles his head ever since they met. Chanhee misses Changmin and his smile. He misses Changmin's warmth and how they can have the most deepest conversations that he can't have with Kevin. Chanhee misses Changmin's attempts to make Chanhee try something out of his comfort zone.

Chanhee also misses that feeling he feels around the other. He misses how his heart would race every time he saw Changmin. Chanhee misses the heat rushing to his cheeks every time Changmin touch him in the slightest way possible. He miss the feeling of being care free whenever he was with Changmin.

Chanhee misses Changmin

A gasped escape Chanhee's lips at the realization. "Mom was right." He breathed out. Before he could finish his conclusion, the door to the room opened and closed. He looked up to see his brother walked over to him. "Are you done reminiscing? Because we have a mission to do." His brother said as he stood in front of Chanhee.

"If you're talking about selling drugs, count me out Chunghee." Chanhee muttered as he crossed his arms. "Dumbass, I don't do that shit. I'm not like dad. If you haven't noticed, that motherfucker ain't shit to me." Chanhee stared at his brother in shock. "Chanhee, he took me away from my best friend. Never once did I not think about you and mom. I shut myself out as soon as I was alone with him." Chunghee continued as he sat next to his brother.

"All I ever wanted was to be with you and mom again. I miss you guys dearly and that's why I'm going to help get you out of here." Chunghee finished with a determined tone as he gave Chanhee a smile. Chanhee smiled back before it fell, "wait, what do you mean by getting me out of here?" Chanhee questioned as he looked at his brother in confusion.

"And that's where the mission comes into play." Chunghee winked as he stood up again. "But first, let me go get you something to eat and some new clothes. You stink." Chanhee laughed as he watched his brother leave the room. Chanhee laid down with a smile placed upon his face.

Oh how he missed his brother. Never did he thought his brother would hate their father that much. His thoughts once again trailed back to Changmin and how he might get to see the other again. A giggly feeling willed up inside of him as a lovesick smile fell onto his lips.


"So, who's the lucky guy?" Chunghee asked as he shut the door with his foot and walked over to Chanhee with food in his hands. "What do you mean?" Chanhee bit back his smile as he stared at Chunghee with a fake clueless expression. "You're not a sneaky penguin as you think you are." Chunghee replied with a knowing tone.

"Alright, alright. His name is Changmin. We met at this stupid school party our friends dragged us to." Chanhee said as the giggly feeling grew more as he talked about the boy surrounding his mind. "How does he make you feel?" Chunghee asked as he took a chicken leg. Chanhee sighed a lovesick sigh as he looked off into the distance.

"Free. Like I'm floating on clouds and I can do anything I put my mind to. Every time I see his smile or hear him laugh, my heart skips a beat or when we have the slightest skinship, my cheeks feels like I've been in the sun for hours. And whenever we have the deepest conversations, it feels like we knew each other since forever." Chanhee explained as the lovesick smile only grew wider.

"We also kissed. Gosh, the feeling of his lips on mine felt like heaven. Like it was meant to be.....but I feel like he regrets it..." Chanhee let out as his smile fell and he started to play with his hands. "What makes you think that?" Chunghee asked as he tilted his head with a slight pout.

"Well, after the kiss was over he ran away. And before dad dragged me away, it sound like he was going to apologize for kissing me." Chanhee softly said as he took a chicken wing. "What if he wasn't? What if you're letting all the negativity get to you? Think on the bright side, he might be just as worried as all of your other friends."

Chanhee stared as the chicken wing in his hands with a sad smile, "what if he isn't?" Chanhee mumbled out softly. "Nonsense, I'm sure he is." Chunghee said with a slight knowing tone to his words. Chanhee just sighed as he continued to eat in silence.


What is this? Chanhee discovering that he might like Changmin? And the fact that it's towards the end of the book!!!🤭✨

I feel like a real author. We have three more chapters and this book is over. How must I write these last chapters?

Im going to miss this book as soon as it's over!!!😭😭

Also y'all I'm sorry for not updating this sooner!!! I went to the pool today and totally spaced!!!😭😭

But that's all for now, like always

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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