Chapter 18

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Changmin groaned for the nth time as he pulled onto his hair. 'Come on Min! You have to pass this test, Hee wouldn't let you fail.' Changmin told himself as he continued to read the question. This whole month he has been having tests back to back and on every single one he took, all he could think about was the pink haired boy who slipped right through his fingers.

It's been four weeks—or in other words, a month—since Chanhee was taken away by his dad. Not a single word was heard from him or his brother who they have contacted to try and get him to help. And on top of that, Changmin had sat through six different exams, this one being his seventh.

So to say the least, Changmin's brain was fried. 'Focus Changmin, you can get through this.' He encouraged himself as he continued to work on his exam.


"Hey Min." A voice that Changmin hasn't heard in months said. "S-Sangyeon?" Changmin stuttered out with disbelief as he turned to the older. "Hey bud." Sangyeon smiled as he pushed himself off the wall and opened his arms for the younger.

Changmin ran into the other's arms as a tear rolled down his cheek. "There, there." Sangyeon said as he softly patted Changmin's head and hugged him tighter. Long story short, Sangyeon was like a father figure to Changmin. Sangyeon was there to help Changmin with the lost of his sister, he was there when Changmin first fell down the rabbit hole of smoking.

Sangyeon was there for everything, but then he wasn't. When Changmin first met Sangyeon, the older was in his Sophomore year and Changmin was starting his second year of middle school. At first Changmin thought nothing of it. But that was before Changmin lost his sister. Once he started his freshman year in high school, Sangyeon was around more often.

Changmin started to depend more on the older and so when the other went off to college, Changmin sunk deeper into the state he was in at the time. But now, here in this moment, he felt like he was home. "Come on, let's go get something to eat and catch up." Sangyeon suggested as he looked down at the younger. Changmin nodded his head and wiped away his tears.


"You really seem to be in love with him, Min." Sangyeon said with a mouthful and the nod of his head. "I am, I really am." Changmin breathed out as he slid further down in his chair and looked out the window. "So what's up with the frowning?" Sangyeon asked as he put down his fork and clasped his hands together.

"A month ago he was drag out the school by his dad who didn't bother to show his face until now. We contacted his brother to see if he could do anything, but we haven't heard anything back from him." Changmin explained as he sat up again and clashed his hands together.

It was silent between the two of them for a few minutes before Sangyeon made a noise and got up from the booth. "Where's the mall again?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face. Changmin gave him a look before smiling and getting out of his seat. "Can we get Juyeon and the others on the way there?" Changmin asked like a little kid asking for candy.

"Of course we can." Sangyeon replied as he wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulder and walked out of the cafe.


"Sangyeon you're back!" The triplets exclaimed as they ran towards the college student. "Hey guys! I miss you!" Sangyeon replied as he hugged all three of them. "Sangyeon, what are you doing here? I-I-I mean it's not like you aren't supposed to be here, it's just that—"

Sangyeon pulled Juyeon into a hug cutting his rambled off. "I have two weeks off before we continue our exams. And I decided to see my children again." Sangyeon said as he pulled out of the hug and Juyeon had a speechless expression on his face.

"So what are we doing?" Eric asked as he bounced next to Sangyeon. "We're going suit shopping!" Sangyeon exclaimed and everyone had a confused expression on their faces. "Suit shopping? But why?" Hyunjun questioned so confused on why he needs a suit. "I heard that there's a Spring ball happening?" Sangyeon quipped with a knowing tone.

"Oh......OH! We have to get suits!" Sunwoo exclaimed as he ran towards Sangyeon's car and tried to open the door, but couldn't as it was locked. "Maybe wait until I unlock it." Sangyeon stated as he walked towards the driver's seat and unlocked the door.

They piled into the car and Sangyeon started the engine and driving off. On their way to the mall they blasted all types of songs such as;

•Perfect Man by SHINHWA
•Rollin' by Brave Girls
•Pray(I'll Be Your Man) by BTOB
•Up & Down by EXID
•O Sol Mío by SF9

And many more before arriving at the mall. "Since you guys don't know anything about suit shopping, I'll help you." Sangyeon said as they entered the mall and made their way to the best suit shop. They entered the story and started searching for a suit that fits their taste.

"Hak said something about wearing red, so I need a red suit." Sunwoo said as he walked over to where he saw some red suits. "Who's Hak?" Sangyeon asked confused as he looked at the others. "His boyfriend~" Eric singsong as made a kissy face towards Sunwoo who just rolled his eyes.

"My Sunwoo has a boyfriend and none of y'all told me?!" Sangyeon said shocked as he hurried his way towards Sunwoo and help him pick the best red suit. "Hey Juyeon." Eric shyly called out as he walked over to the older male who was looking at the blue suits.

"Hey Eric, what's up?" Juyeon asked as he looked over at Eric quickly before turning back to the suits. "I was thinking maybe we should match...." Eric trailed off as he started to play with his nails, Hyunjun in the back trying not to laugh at how the younger was acting.

"Leave him alone, he has a crush." Changmin scolded as he pulled Hyunjun towards another section of the store. "Pfft, could never be me." Hyunjun slightly laughed as he looked through the many black suits. Changmin just rolled his eyes and continued to look for the best suit because he totally was not trying to impress Chanhee.



We only have two more chapters left and I Lowkey don't want to write them but I do at the same time!!!! I'm going to miss writing this book once it's over!!!!!

But enough sobbing

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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