Chapter 1- Rainy Night

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Heavy rainfall..

Somewhere in the woods in a mountainous area. The headlights of a helux car illuminating the drops of the rain in the darkness of the night.

Once in a while sky lightnings reveals the presence of the trees and the crude pathway that the car is moving on, followed by roars of the thunder.

The car stops by a haunted house.

A girl drenched in the rain water from head to toe and the water also dribbling from her long, dark brown, wet hair and her eyelashes rolling down her cheeks, comes out of the car. Wearing blue pants, blue shirt and a blue shrug over it which looks black because of the darkness and rain water soaking them.

She looks at the house which seems completely abandoned. All the rooms are dark except one room which seems to be illuminated by candle lights which proves the presence of someone in there.

The girl walks towards the house on the watery mud. She steps inside the opened door of the house, spreading the dirty mud that comes along her black boots on the wooden floor that is also half wet because of the rain.
She walks towards the illuminated room. As more and more she gets closer to the room the sound of a piano music becomes louder and clearer. Probably coming from the room. The room's door is half open and candle lights peeking out of it.

She crack opens the door completely and see a room having lit candles at random positions. The candle lights flicker and dance through the otherwise dark room.

A black suited man sitting in the centre, playing the piano. The tune is dark, sometimes called sociopathic music.

"Uhh... Can you let me spend the night in your house? My car has been broken" the girl utters in the noise of thundering weather outside and the piano music inside.

She is nervous. The man shows no response and keep playing his piano.

"Jenn..... Jenni..fer..... the name.... my name is Jennifer", the girl tries again but fail to gain any attention.

"Hello!" she again calls him and then talks to herself, "is he deaf?" trying to figure out why he is not responding.

The man suddenly stops playing piano and stands up from his chair.
Walks towards Jennifer with an expressionless face. Wearing a funeral suit. Hair and beared properly made.

Without letting him speak Jennifer repeats her request once again, "Can I spend the night here? My car is broken and I can't fix it now because of the rain" she pleads.
The man asks in a plain, heavy and gloomy voice,"Are you not scared of me?" Eyes glued to her non horrified wet face.

Jennifer replies after taking a moment to think,"uhh... ummm .. no ... Actually, I..I am a doctor and I know the surface anatomy of all the important nerves and vessels of a human body.... I can take someone down without him knowing it", her eyes grow wider as she completes, like a warning to not try anything on her.

"I am not a human"
A lightning from the window predominates the candle lights and forms a sharp shadow on half of the man's face.
Jennifer stares at him shocked continuously and suddenly jumps by the loudness of the thunder.
"The human died. I am a wandering soul" the man adds and continues, "Are you not scared of wandering soul?"

Jennifer answers with a little confidence in her voice, "I am not scared of something that doesn't exist. And I don't think wandering souls wander around asking people if they're scared of 'em" she laughs at her own statement but soon her smile dissapears at the expressionless face of the man who claims to be dead.

"You can stay", he allows her and leaves the only enlightened room of the house.

Jennifer exclaims a yes beneath her breath and then speaks loudly to the person who left the room, "Sorry about the mud. I'll clean that up before I leave.. and thank you."

She strokes her hair a little to spil out the water from it and then sits in the couch by the piano and looks at the gloomy weather through the window with a mourning face.

The man returns along with a towel in his hand and throws the towel in her lap.

He intends to leave the room without any conversation.

"Thank you so much... uhh ... thanks for letting me stay in .... " the man walks out without listening to her.

"Okay... that's a strange person" Jennifer talks to herself while drying herself up by the towel. And then lies in the couch covering half of herself by the towel.

A/N: Listen to the music I have shared on top cuz it was the trigger behind my imaginations and feel free to comment, ask anything and vote if you like the story. 😍

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