. mama .

22 1 15

Elliot's POV

I nodded my head, almost in a trance with how sure of herself she sounded. How could she even say that when she doesn't even remember Tira? When almost every problem came from her wish? I left the room and her gaze followed me until I was gone down the hall. Once she was out of sight and I couldn't feel her staring at me anymore, I let myself shiver. That was super creepy. Were the other two like that? I tapped my foot. Well, Tira probably needs some alone time. Maybe I can get the other's point of view on this whole situation and tell her about it. Like some sort of information delivery. If they had anything positive to tell her, like Emma did, it might cheer her up a lot faster than if I had to come up with something on the spot.

Comforting was never really my strong suit after all.

With a goal in mind I headed off to look through more rooms. It didn't take long until I stumbled upon Norman and the person he called Mama. What was her name again?

"Have you had enough time to regain your composure?" She asked, sitting down at one of the seats. Norman stood there, eyes empty and devoid of light. He didn't make a move towards the chair and she sighed.

"What happened?"


"Why did Ray and Emma start fighting?"

"..." She sighed.

"If you need some time to rest, you can go back to your room." He nodded meekly and left. I stared after him as the door shut. The woman sighed.

"What happened to the three of you?" She asked herself. I sat down on the chair opposite of hers. Might as well get comfy if I'm gathering information.

"You were as tight knit as real siblings," she told herself, looking at the grandfather clock in the room. It was quiet except for the methodic ticks and tocks of the clock. I stood up, about to leave since there wasn't anything happening when she spoke.

"If only you were here, sister." I turned around and stared at her. Sister? She gave off the vibes of an only child! Were they separated after a few years or something and never had time to connect? Where's her sister now? There were so many questions and yet no answers. I was in the dark, probably the only one in the dark at this point.

"I wonder what happened to you after you left," the woman murmured, staring off at the stars this time. I sat down in a chair across from her. I might as well get some information if she's talking to herself. A bitter grimace graced her face and I felt a shiver crawl up my spine.

"Those fucking demons better not have touched you. Well, I doubt that you'd let them in the first place with how you were."

Again with the demons. They were talking as if they were real and separate entities from humans. Were they? Or did these people view the monstrosities that human kind had committed against them as demons, different entities from them because they couldn't bare the knowledge that they were one-in-the-same species as the people they hated?

"I hope you're proud of these kids for escaping, even if their memories are a bit... jumbled." She frowned and I couldn't help but watch as she slowly sat up in her seat.

"But truth be told, I also feel like I'm missing a bit of my memories. Some parts are a bit foggy, albeit a little. Maybe I'm just getting old?"

I got up. Well, there probably wasn't much left that was going to be important now.

Third POV

Once the door shut behind Elliot, Isabella let out a sigh. She melted into the soft cushion of the chair and closed her eyes.

"I miss you, Tira..."


A/N: HEFDUOSFHBGNJDSHFL OMK OMK OMK?!?!??!?!?!! ISABELLA REMEMBERS TIRA'S NAME?!?!??!?!??!?!? Why is that? Why can she even say Tira's name when even hearing it causes the rest of the kids to go berserk with pain????????? OAOOAOAOOAOAOOAO Who knows? I do XDXDXD But other than me, who else? What's your theories!? Anyways, come back for the next time where Elliot finds out more about their past and all that! BYEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~ (like tomorrow even maybe kinda bye XDXDXD)

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