° author's notes (warnings)

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hello cuties :)

welcome to the gang

ew, that was so yuck 


here's a few notes/warnings that i want everyone to know before they continue with this book



➳  number one: this is my first book, so please bare with me. if there are any suggestions or improvements you have, please let me know

number two: i'm trying to make this as realistic as possible. there aren't really any plot twists as such, just a book about two people trying to make their way through life

number three: i am aware that it takes quite a long time to gather an audience but i do love input and interactions so if you do happen to be reading whilst the book is ongoing please let me know what you want to see (i'll avoid asking for input until i feel some one may answer)

number four: i expect this book to be slow-paced with a lot of back and forth because that's just what the characters do. it might get frustrating.



➳ Everything in the book (characters and plots, etc) are all from my own mind and haven't been copied from anybody else's work. Any similarities are pure coincidences. Please let me know if you feel this is the case. 

➳ It is very early for me to say, but I do not want my work copied, translated, posted elsewhere, etc. for the time being. If there is something you wish to do, including my work that isn't listed above, please raise it with me first.

➳ I would like to credit the rightful owners of the pictures used throughout the book. If anyone knows the people in the pictures or know the associated people have announced publicly, they do not want their pictures shared, please let me know.

➳ All of the characters (outside of NCT) are fictional and the way the boys are presented in this book is NOT an actual representation of the boys in real life, I do not know them personally. This is all fictional.


content warnings/trigger warnings:

The characters in this book do battle mental health throughout the book, I do not want to give a diagnosis for any characters (especially not at this given time) but I can say they do have traits of mental struggle and not the healthiest of coping mechanisms. If there are any obvious triggers (i.e panic attacks and such), I will mention them at the beginning of the chapter, however for what I have written so far, I do not have any specific triggers for any of the chapters/characters so far. 

Likewise, if any of you reading think a trigger warning should be advised for a chapter that does not currently have one, please, please let me know. I would like for people to read my book comfortably. 

Additionally, characters in this book have abrasive and complicated relationships with their parents and with each other, sometimes more apparent than others, so if you are uncomfortable with that, please read with caution.

Please, read with caution and be advised.



This book is dedicated to the many, many people out there who do not believe they are capable of loving themselves or others the way they wish to. Likewise, it is for those who believe they are not deserving of the love people have to offer.

Love comes in many different shapes and forms and you are deserving of each and every one. Sure, you might have a few things to work on, but I believe you will get through it, and I hope you find the courage to do it too. It takes time for all of this to happen, so I hope you remain patient with yourself throughout. 

i love you <3


now with all of that aside, i hope you enjoy 'tied to you'

° tied to you - haechanWhere stories live. Discover now