𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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Narrator's POV

They walked through the hallways, silently. The girl was feeling REALLY awkward, whereas the boy was enjoying the awkwardness. He was chuckling to himself, watching as the girl struggled to look at him, avoiding eye contact every time their eyes accidentally met.

When they finally reached the roof, Juyeon was as red as a tomato and shaking. She had never eaten with so many people all at once, preferring to be on her own than to spend time with other people.

Without looking any boy in the eye, she sat down at and edge, outside of the circle. Without saying anything, the boy beside her grabbed her arm and pulled her into the circle. She looked up and noticed that the boy who had pulled her was actually Riki. After realizing this, she felt her arm tingling, as if her body was trying to relive the moment where the boy touched it.

Blushing, she scooted a bit further away from Riki only to get pulled back even closer than the first time until the whole right side of her body was touching the left side of his. The part of her leg that wasn't covered by her skirt was completely touching Riki's (who was wearing the uniform shorts). She tension in the air was thick, and every single person in the circle could feel it.

After a long moment of silence, the oldest of the group finally cleared his throat and spoke up.

"So, let's start with the basics to get to know you. What's your favourite color?"

Juyeon looked around and pointed at herself, confused. "Me?"

The seven boys chuckled and nodded.

"Uhmm.. I guess my favourite color is... brown? But not like poop brown, you know, like... Riki's eyes!" She pointed at his eyes and smiled. Then, she realized what she had just done, and blushed, confused as to why she would even think of doing that. She looked down and regretted her actions.

During this time, the seven heartbreakers were looking at her in shock. Indeed, it was the first time that they had seen her talk so much. Usually, she just nodded or said a few words.

Is she starting to open up? Riki thought, his heart still pumping hard from the girl's actions.

Even though they all had that thought, it was soon erased from their head when she started acting normal again. Barely answered their questions, looking down and stuttering a lot. The boys stayed hopeful, though, convincing themselves that she couldn't stay like that forever.

One boy, however, stayed indifferent, maybe even negative, to that girl. His sharp facial features showing nothing but skepticism, Jay stared nonstop at the girl, intimidating her to the max.

Much to Juyeon's surprise, the lunch went fine. Though the girl didn't talk much, she got to know each member of the heartbreakers a bit better. For example, she learned that Sunghoon was a figure skater and that he REALLY loved pork slices. She also learned that most members had boring favourite colors like black, white or ivory.

When it was finally time to go back to class, Juyeon was surprisingly disappointed. She wanted to keep listening to the interesting conversations that the boys had. Getting up and walking towards the door leading to the stairs, her actions got interrupted by a hand wrapped around her forearm.

Looking back, she saw it was Sunghoon's hand. She smiled at him, something she didn't do often to people she didn't know well, as he was one of the people who she had enjoyed talking to the most. When he noticed her smile, he stayed unfazed on the outside, but on the inside he was jumping out of surprise.

After a moment of silence, the boy cleared his throat and said, "Please come eat with us tomorrow again. It was fun having you with us!" to this, the girl shyly nodded and ran down the stairs, her cheeks heating up.

Words: 661

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