Chapter 1: USJ

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(Izuku POV)

They said they would free me if I killed some heroes. Some pro heroes, Not a class of hero students. This was wrong. I didn't like it one bit.


Sorry, it's a bit rude for someone not to introduce themselves. Hello! My name is Izuku Midoriya and I am what you may call a living Nomu. I have multiple quirks that were given to me by All for  One. 

The quirk I was born with is called Cigar. This quirk allows me to create multiple different types of cigars. Some to heal, some to attack with, one that is coffee based, and one that is pure smoke, among other types. I am able to light these cigars with a snap of my finger.

My second quirk is called smoke manipulation and it allows me to manipulate any type of smoke. 

My third quirk is smoke body, this quirk makes my body able to become pure smoke, although I have to charge it up with the pure smoke cigar. The more smoke I have breathed in, the longer I can stay in my smoke form. 

My fourth and final quirk is smoke warp. It is a warp quirk that uses the smoke from my smoke cigar that is breathed out and covers the people needing to be warped, before warping them. Anyway, that's me. Back to the story of how I became the strongest UA student!


I looked over at Tomura Shigaraki. I was still pretending to be a mindless Nomu.

Shigaraki: Smoker, attack the students.

I walked forwards towards the students. I pulled out a cigar with a white strip labelled Pure Smoke, and put it in my mouth. It lit with a snap of my fingers. I took a deep breath in and pulled all of the smoke in the cigar. I took the cigar out and threw the useless end to the side, before breathing out. No smoke came out of my mouth as it had combined with my smoke body quirk. I ran up the stairs towards Eraser Head. Halfway up the stairs, I turned around and stared directly at Shigaraki.

Izuku: No, I don't think I will.

I warped away with my quirk. I appeared in front of a buff blond man with an unusual hairstyle. I recognised him as All Might. 

Izuku: The USJ is under attack. You're coming with me.

I grab All Might and I breathe out smoke and warp us to the USJ. I see Eraser Head getting his skull slammed into the ground multiple times by the other Nomu.

Izuku: That creature has multiple quirks, it has shock absorption, hyper regeneration and super strength. It was created to beat you.

All Might: Well then, I guess I will have to go Plus Ultra!

All Might jumps to the Nomu. I breathe out more smoke and manipulate it to pick up Eraser Head and bring him back to where the students are. Suddenly the third Nomu, Kurogiri, appears in front of me. Luckily for me, I know his weak point. I pull out a cigar with a red strip on it that says Normal Strength. I light the end and hold it to his neck brace.

Izuku: You already now what this does, now play nice.

Kurogiri didn't move. 

Izuku: Good.

I look up and see All Might Loosing to the Nomu.

Izuku: Shit. SHIT!

I activate smoke body and fly at the Nomu and condense the part that was my hand around its face, blinding it. I form back to normal and hold the Normal Strength Cigar like I am going to throw it. 

Izuku: Normal Strength Cigar: Bullet!

I throw the cigar at the Nomu and leave a fist sized hole in its neck. The wound heals immediately. I pull out a cigar with an orange around it that says Incendiary. I place the lit cigar on my left hand and aim it at the head of the Nomu. The Nomu looks away from All Might and stares at me. It blitzes to me, cracking the ground with each step. I put my right hand behind the cigar as if I am going to flick it.

Izuku: Incendiary Cigar: Precision Bullet!

The top half of the Nomu's head is immediately burned to ash. I laugh as it falls to the floor, dead.

Izuku: THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! You're next, Handy.

Shigaraki just nopes out of that and leaves through Kurogiri's portal. I curse, realising that I forgot about their ride. I look at All Might and raise my hands.

Izuku: Before you arrest me, let me heal Eraser.

All Might nods and I pull out a cigar with a green strip labelled Healing. I breathe in the smoke before breathing it back out. I direct it to Eraser Head's mouth. Once the smoke enters his lungs, all of his wounds start to fade. I turn to All Might and hold my hands out to be cuffed. All Might cuffs me, but whispers something that only I could hear.

All Might: You will be interviewed by a detective friend of mine, Nezu, A hero friend, and Me.

I nod and smile, hoping to get a new chance at life.

Interrogation room: Musutafu Police Station

I was sitting calmly in my chair. I was a bit on edge, for two reasons. The first was that it was unnerving to not be able to feel any of my quirks. The second was that I wasn't able to light my cigar. The door opened and let three people and a chimera through. The first was Detective Tsukauchi. The second was All Might. The third was Principal Nezu, and the fourth was Teleki, my mother. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates as tears started to flow from her eyes like a dam that had been opened. She hugged me half to death before looking at the changes to my body. Unlike her green hair and green eyes, I had greyish white hair and grey eyes.

Izuku: Hello mum, Haven't seen you since I was four. What was that, fourteen years ago?

Inko nodded her affirmation. I smiled and looked at the detective.

Izuku: I assume that you are going to ask me a few questions in relation to who I am and why I was with the league of villains, correct?

Tsukauchi: Yes, I will.

Izuku: I assume that Nezu is here to offer me a place at UA, depending on what my backstory is like?

Nezu: Correct! You are a smart kid!

Izuku: Thanks! Now, before I start my life story, will someone pass me a lighter?

Everyone looked at me confused.

Izuku: I need them, my body starts to break down without contact with smoke after a while.

The detective passes me a lighter and I pull out a smoke cigar and place it in my mouth. I light the cigar and pass the lighter back to the detective.

Izuku: Well, Let's start from the day I was kidnapped.

Chapter End.

Izuku Midoriya - The Smoker HeroWhere stories live. Discover now