Demon Parenting 101

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The daily life of a demon was one of boredom. If no one wanted to summon a particular demon that day, said demon had nothing to do then. Most did not mind it that much. It could be very exhausting to deal with humans for an extended period of time.

Actvia definitely did mind it, however. She had not been summoned by any humans for ages. It was boring doing nothing for that long. Especially when she had been a demon for as long as she had. Actvia did not remember exactly how long she had been "alive" for. She had lost count after a while. Did it even matter anymore?

"Actvia, anything exciting happen today?"

Actvia was returning to her home when she was stopped by another demon. This was one of her friends. She did not have that many friends. It was hard to make friends as a demon.

"Stubborn souls not wanting to admit they are dead, that is all. How about you, Izequel?" Actvia crossed her arms and let out a huff of annoyance.

Izequel laughed, "Sounds fun. I had a mortal summon me. Wanted me to do some dirty work for them. What's new there?"

"At this point, I'd take anything. It's been so long since anyone has summoned me." Actvia stated.

"Isn't the Allegiance keeping you busy enough?" Izequel asked.

Actvia shook her head, "No. We've dealt with all the major wanted demons for the moment. Even there there is nothing to do."

"I'm sure you'll get something soon." Izequel nodded to her.

"I hope so." Actvia replied.

She went to walk away when she paused. She felt someone summoning her. What a coincidence.

"Well, looks like my prayers have been answered. See ya later. I finally have a mortal wanting to see me." Actvia smiled dangerously.

"Have fun. See you later." Izequel said.

Actvia nodded and then teleported to the place she was being summoned to. However, as she appeared and took in her surroundings, she found the place was empty of all life. No one seemed to be around. Actvia frowned and looked down. There were no seals on the summoning circle. She was free to leave it and roam as she pleased. That was very rare. Most mortals who summoned her knew just how dangerous she was and took very big precautions to make sure she could not kill them.

Actvia stepped out of the circle and took a look around. She was in a house. The house was very rundown. She was surprised it was even standing it was in that bad of shape. But, that was not her main priority right now. She needed to find who summoned her and figure out why they did.
Actvia left the room she was in. She picked up on a feint noise. It sounded like crying. She went toward the sound to see who was there. As she got closer and could hear the voice better, she realized what type of human it belonged to. Her suspicions were confirmed when she entered the room the crying was coming from.

"A child? Who left a child here?" Actvia was dumbfounded to find an infant laying on the floor of the room.

Where did this child come from? Why was it alone? Where were it's parents? She probably should not be calling the child an it.

Actvia picked up the child and examined them. It appeared that the child was a girl. Actvia still was not sure what to do with this child. She should try and find her parents, right? Or not. She spotted a note in the room and looked at it.

Dear the demon I summoned,

This is my daughter. I can not raise her and as such, I am giving her to you to do with as you please. I would like if you would raise her, but I understand if you would rather just kill her and be done with it.

Demon Parenting 101Where stories live. Discover now