The Nurse Next Door

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"Arf! Arf! Arf!" The arcanine barked as he tried to grab his trainers attention.

Said trainer being the one and only Officer Jenny, who was wasting her time looking through her window at the Pokemon Center next door.

But what was she looking at? Of course, it would be none other than the beautiful nurse joy, which is only one of the many sweet words she referred to her as.

She didn't know when it begin.. maybe it was when she first looked at her when she transferred to town... Or maybe it was when she first talked to her a few months ago. (All of the above, ofc.)

"Grrrr...." The canine barked before Gently biting down on her hand, causing her to yelp.

"Ow! Why'd you bite me?!" She turned to the pokemon who just sat there, glaring at her.

"W-what?" She stutters.

"Arf!" He barks, gesturing his head towards the pokemon center.

That place.

"O-oh.." she turns to it and then back to him. "W-what about it?"

"Arf! Arf!" He gestures his head towards it again.

Ask her out already!

"What are you trying to- NO! I can't, Not yet." She says as she blushes, leaning back in her chair.

The canine looks at her with a deadpan look, stomping his paw on the floor with another bark.

If you don't right now, somebody else will!

"I know that! I-i just can't, Okay? I don't even know if she likes me!" She replies, asif having a conversation with him.

He only stares at her for a moment before barking and looking away with a sly smirk.


"Who are you calling a coward?!" She glares. "Why don't I see you asking her out?"

The canine raises an eyebrow before looking at her smugly.

You want me to? 

"shut up, you're just a pokemon." She pouts.

He gives her puppy eyes with a soft bark that makes her groan.

But I'm also a dog, and last I checked girls love cute dogs like me~

His expression goes back to a serious one.

Now ask her out before I steal her from you, Human.

"Okay, okay! Fine! I'll ask her out, but I need your help."

The canine only shakes his head asif he had to do everything around her before barking and nodding.

Fine, Fine. Chase the Arcaknight shall grant you foolish human his assistance.

She smiles softly before pulling him into a hug and gently scratching behind his ear.

"Thanks buddy." 

Anytime, stupid human.


Arcanine looked up at his trainer who was shaking in her boots in front of the pokemon center. This made him sigh.

"It's all gonna go well, you got this Jenny. Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep- ah!"

Move, Bitch!

She felt someone push her forward, making the doors to the pokemon center open wide as she turned back and glared at the canine.

"what was that about?"

The Nurse Next Door [Drabble] Where stories live. Discover now