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"you can hear it in the silence... you can feel it on the way home..."

"you're on your own, kid. yeah you can face this."

"he was sunshine, i was midnight rain..."


I suppose I thought this would be easier. Easier to write, easier to remember, easier to relive. But it isn't easy, not even a little bit. Not for me, at least. 

Reynie says it was easy for him, but of course it was easy for him. This sort of thing? It's right up his alley; people, words, thoughts and feelings.

None of that is any good for me. I'm just awful with stuff like this, or with anything, really. 

The only thing I'm good with is Reynie.

So that's where I'm going to start, just like Reynie suggested. At the beginning. And the beginning, well, it starts with us. With Reynie and I.

"you're on your own, kid" - [r.muldoon]Where stories live. Discover now