037. versus the end

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versus the end
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ THIRTY SEVEN!versus the end ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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The team was finally back to normal. All seven members were officially back to working as one complete team. There was no more drama, no more petty arguments or even evil mind control. They were back to their old days but this time, they were going to finish this fight, once and for all.

Currently, the group were all together in the control centre as they were flying towards Traeger's last known location. They knew now was the best time to take him out as he had been weakened. This was their best chance to take him out.

"Geez, how fast are we going?" Mark pondered.

"954.3 miles per hour." Ryan answered.

"That's . . . that's exactly correct." Veracity confirmed in confusion filled tone.

"The power upgrade has put me completely in sync with Mech X4." Ryan explained. "If we weren't racing to catch Traeger than I'd be enjoying this."

"You know what we're going to enjoy? Watching supercharged you and super angry us kick Traeger's super red butt!" Harris exclaimed.

"Aw, super red butt. That was the name of my first band." Veracity said randomly, earning odd looks from everyone.

"What?" Natalie gave her a weird look.

"Don't ask." Veracity denied.

"Yeah, I won't." Ryan confirmed.

"Don't worry about it." Mark shook his head.

"We should enjoy this. I mean, Ryan's supercharged. And we took out Traeger's last two monsters." Spyder pointed out.

"And we only wasted Harris once." Mark pointed out with a grin.

"Will you guys stop talking about that?" Harris asked in annoyance.

"Twice! Counting the shed that landed on Harris awhile back." Ryan reminded.

"Can we just move on?" Harris scowled, not wanting to discuss the subject further.

"Ok, we're coming up on Traeger's last location." Ryan announced happily to the group. "This is where we tracked all the ooze that Traeger summoned. Get ready!"

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