The Hands that Harm

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An ebony sky

A reason why

A purpose to live

"A lie, a fib"

The life of a child

It is always worth while

Yet our systems corrupt

Watch them fill their cup

Don't you lay a hand on them

Out of anger, out of boredom

You are to protect, to love

They're are angels and doves

I've seen what happens

When we forego a better tomorrow

It fills their life

With nothing but sorrow

Behind closed doors

Lies real-life horrors

Their battered and beaten

Yet that's not what your seeing

They are young

And yes, sometimes dumb

But they are learning

And growing

And time is showing

You fill their lives with pain

With suffering in vain

And because of your words

You're free to go

So in fear

Of their parents and peers

They hung up a rope

And let go of hope

It's sad to see

To hear, to know

It's sad to be

To fear the now

They are in pain

They are suffering

And I am at home

Where comfort is what I'm shown

And I fear I can't help

I fear what awaits them

They are alone in a life

Surrounded by who hates them

So I do all I can

I spread the word

Of the evil hands

That hurt them

The hands that should love them

The hands that belong to family, to friend

The hateful hands that are wrongly allowed to go free

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