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Freen snapped out of her thought as Becky backed away from the bed. Did Freen really thought about her whole future within just a second of staring into Becky's eyes? God damnit this is worse than she thought. Becky took a step back from the bed nervously as Freen got out of the bed.

"Uh- I'll take a shower now. You can go now or you could wait for me?" Freen shrugged as Becky smiled and nodded while sitting back down on the bed. Freen left to go take a shower as soon as she could so she doesn't have to say anything else.

Becky on the other hand placed her hand on her chest as her heart was beating on of her chest. "Calm down." The brunette mumbled to herself as she allow her body to fully collapse on the sharing bed closing her eyes and dreaming about all the possibilities.

Freen took a moment to let the water run down her body as she just stare blankly at the wall, thinking about what she just thought of and how becky was just on top of her. "Sarocha, get yourself together. This isn't what you're here for." The FBI agent whispered to herself as she continued to shower.

After about 20 minutes later Freen came back out of the bathroom with her outfits. of course the same outfit she had with her little thought before she snapped out of it. It was so vivid, yet. Freen looked over at Becky who was laying down on the bed with her eyes closed as she chuckles.

"Your majesty, it's time for dinner." Freen so seated some perfume on herself as she went over to the bed and try to get Becky to wake up. Becky whined as she open her eyes to see Freen smiling at her.

"Can't we like get them to save some food for us?" Becky whined as she sit up from her current position. Freen stood up and shook her head with the most gorgeous smile on her face.

"Come on. It won't take a lot of time until we get back. You slept all day and you still feel tired?" Freen questioned which made Becky nodded her head as she lazily get up from the bed and head out with Freen taking the keycard with her placing it in her purse.

"Very tired still. I wanna lay in bed all day and night." Becky giggled as the two make their way down to the place that held their dinner. The two were greeted by their friends in their new outfits, Nam quickly handed Freen a glass of champagne as Irin handed Becky a glass of champagne as well.

"Okay couple, Champagne first the dinner is still being cooked." Kit nudged his friend as Heng came around wrapping his arm around Freen's neck with his other hand holding his champagne glass.

"Who's idea was it to get champagne?" Freen raised her eyebrow as everyone looked at Nam who was drinking her champagne, as everyone looked at her she stopped and stared back. "What? It's gonna be cold tonight we need something to warm us up." Nam shrugged which made everyone laughed.

Such an excuse for a drunkard. Freen rolled her eyes playfully at her friend. Becky clung her glass to the others as she took a sip of her champagne, which Freen did the same. The music was light and calming everyone was talking and vibing to it. Freen found herself staring at the ocean and the beautiful sunset in front of her.

"The Sunset's beautiful, isn't it?" Freen turn her head to look at Becky who was right beside her smiling, but surely turned away to look at the sunset as well. "Yeah. I guess it is." Freen took a sip of her champagne and continued watching the sunset with Becky by her side.

It didn't take long for the sky to turn from orange to black. the lights that was set up was on and the cook was starting to bring their food out, Freen went over to help set up the table and pulled a chair for Becky to take a seat. The brunette thanked Freen and sat down, as Freen sat down next to Becky as well.

"Today has been exhausting driving and sitting in the car all day long. But i'm glad we're here now and celebrating, Cheers to the trip and cheers to the newfound love." Jenna raised a toast as everyone raised their glass as well before taking a sip of their champagne.

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