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in celebration of 100k...

𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

A stream of bubbles burst from my mouth as I laughed underwater. Lo'ak's hand was in mine, and he was pulling me closer towards the Spirit Tree with unparalleled excitement.

Today was a special day.

Because today marked exactly two years since the Sky People left.

It had been exactly two years since Lo'ak and I realized we'd fallen for each other. Though, we both fell much earlier than that. We just hadn't realized it.

On this day two years ago, I had almost lost him. And he'd almost lost me. Yet we pulled through. And he pulled me.

It was something I'd never forget.

Lo'ak clasped both of my hands and turned to face me in the water. The ethereal glow of the Spirit Tree casted a soft violet shine onto his piercing golden eyes. His gaze softened as I smiled at him.

When you love someone, you want to spend every breathtaking moment with them. When you love someone, you'd give anything for them.

And you'll know when you love someone.

He placed his hand gently on my cheek. I rested my head on it, feeling things I never could've known were possible before, two years ago. Before I met him.

I see you, I signed. It was a very special phrase for us.

He grinned his charming, silly little grin.

I love you, he signed back.

Feeling lighter and happier than ever, I swam into the beautiful center of the Spirit Tree. Lo'ak followed behind me, and the tree's wondrous petals swayed as it engulfed us. The glowing, air-giving creatures attached to our backs meant we didn't have to worry about running out of breath.

The view here is incredible, I told him. I marveled at a group of Eywa's shimmering golden tadpole-looking-things that swam and circled us. They were greeting me. They'd known I'd be here.

My view is incredible, he replied teasingly. I couldn't help rolling my eyes under his dreamy stare.

Okay, seaweed brain. Calm down; I know you're overwhelmed. I love me too. (percy and annabeth!)

He grinned and took the end of his hair, holding it up and showing the grasping neural tendril concealed inside.

You ready?

I brought my tendril up too. We were going to make tsaheylu, a single sacred act that would create a powerful emotional bond that lasted a lifetime.

Like I said, you'll know when you love someone.


We brought our neural tendrils closer to each other, and they reached and grasped out, as if they were longing for each other too. We pushed them closer, and they interlocked with a single binding motion.

In an instant, I could feel it, and I knew he could feel it too.

His touch was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. It was soft yet electrifying at the same time and opened my vision to a million swirling colors unseen to the naked eye.

An indescribable feeling that could only be labeled as butterflies was filling my stomach and spreading throughout my body to the tips of my fingers as we wrapped and caressed through our neural tendrils.

I could feel the spark that had already been between us igniting with gasoline and crashing like lightning on a rainy day. He was all around me so suddenly, and I could feel it. I could feel him. It would've scared me, with the resemblance I felt to Eywa, but this was him. Nothing could scare me when I was with him.

The tension only built as I parted away momentarily, but his heart pulled me back immediately, desperately, hungrily, clearly wanting more. I didn't know what was coming over me as I let him and felt him through my soul, wanting him all and getting it all yet never getting enough.

It was like my lips had a mind of their own; my hands had a mind of their own; my heart had a mind of its own as an intense, inexpressible charge pierced through our bodies.

It was such a surreal moment that I realized...

I've waited so long for this.

It hadn't even occurred to me how much I'd wanted him. How much I'd needed him. How much I'd needed him in my life.

But the moment was finally here, and I was in it.


I could feel his rhythmic breathing resonating in my own body. Whatever he was feeling, I was feeling it too.

It was a feeling you could only feel once in your life. Because you can only find the love of your life once. Some people had multiple lovers in their life. Some people had different mates after they fell apart. But in that moment, I knew I would only ever have one. Because I was meant for him, and he was meant for me, and Eywa knew it too.

That was why she'd brought us together.

And when they said tsahaeylu with someone was a once-in-a-lifetime connection, they were right.

We'd been given the chance to be together. We'd taken it.

It all made me feel so hopeful. It was so inspiring, even for myself, to see how far we'd gone. Now, I could see our life ahead. We had a long, beautiful time to be together. We were going to live that out, too.

And It had to have all started because of something. It had all been because of one thing.

A chance.


here we are, at the end. it has been such an exhilarating and accomplished writing journey... if you've made it this far, vote and follow, i hope you enjoyed too.

thank you for reading  𝒞𝐻𝒜𝒩𝒞𝐸𝒮.

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