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"How was therapy?" Ryan said as both he and I sat on my bed, me twiddling my thumbs on my lap.

"Good," I answered.

"You dodged all the questions," Ryan said, eyes dimming, "didn't you?"

"I don't have time for therapy," I said cynically. "I want to know who killed Bella."

"You can't solve all murders, Riley," Ryan stated. "I'm serious, you're going to go crazy. You're a nineteen-year-old high-schooler, not a fucking detective."

"I'm not a normal teen," I stated, "you know that. I'm not saying I have special magic powers that somehow make me emotionless, but I can control myself."

"Don't you consider this an unhealthy obsession?" Ryan questioned. "Because that's what this is, you're obsessing."

I glared at him, then. "You think wanting to know who murdered my best friend is considered an obsession?" My eyes dimmed. "You don't know me Ryan," I stated. "That's why I decided to dump you when we were dating."

He flinched as if my words were knives, and gazed back at me. "We left on good terms," he stated. "Why are you still angry with me?"

"I'm not," I answered, standing up and stepping over to my desk, sitting in the chair while twirling around until I faced him. "I'm irritated because everybody is telling me to chill out about this. Bella and I were close, you have no idea."

"You don't know if it was a murder," Ryan stated. "The police found evidence that stated otherwise."

"I know it was a murder," I told him. "She would never kill herself, and there were no signs of minor injuries indicating manslaughter. If she was murdered on accident, there wouldn't have been so many injuries, Ryan. I know my friend, you don't."

He was silent for a moment, eyeing me. "You know what you're doing to yourself is dangerous, Riley."

"I know what I know," I answered, eyes narrowing. "And I don't need you judging my opinions. Another reason why you're not boyfriend material, Ryan; you judge everything I do."

"Still thought good terms," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now I suspect you have some kind of grudge on me, Riley."

I rolled my eyes and looked back to my desk, getting to work on my drawing.

"Wow," he said, "now you're ignoring me? At this rate you could just tell me to piss off and slam the door in my face."

I waved to my bedroom door. "You're free to leave whenever you want, Ryan. I didn't chain you to the bed."

I heard him slouch back on the mattress.

"Ah," he said, "no, I'm good right now, Riley. I'm not leaving you alone." He threw his hands up. "Who knows? Maybe you'll accept me for who I am and let us move forward."

"For the hundredth time," I growled. "I'm not having sex with you, Ryan."

He sat up on my bed. "Why not, huh? Why? What's it about me that you don't like?" He paused. "Are you listening?"

"I'm trying not to."

"Fuck, Riley," he said, glaring at me, "you're being a bitch right now, I think you should know."

"That's nothing new," I told him cynically.

"When I kiss you, you always draw away."

"Because I'm not in the mood, and when you keep pushing, I'm more not in the mood."

Obsession (18+) (FINISHED) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now