Chapter 1- It All Start's Here

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Harry's POV
I'm sure that you all remember me Harry styles. The boy that was bullied in high school, did self harm, and ended up getting pregnant by the person who beat him up for no reason everyday. Well that was all me.

Pathetic right?

Well I'm glad to say that all of that is in the past, and I have started a new life, with my husband Zayn Malik.

Yeah that's right.

I actually did end of marry him, and we have been married for five amazing years so far, and we are now both young fathers raising our five year old twins, Ava and Caden.

They both have two different personalities.

Caden is our outgoing little boy, who has the personality just like his papa, so he's basically like a mini sized Zayn. He's a bit on the wild side at times, he flirts with every girl he meets, and he doesn't let anyone mess over him, which means that we will probably have to keep a really good eye on him when he gets older. Because from the way it looks right now, he's going to be just like Zayn when he gets in high school, which scares me very much, but maybe on the other hand he could change by then.

Ava is our little girl, and she is the complete opposite of Caden, so she is kind of a bit like me. She's doesn't like to start trouble at all. Her and Caden get in very big arguments sometimes, but she decides to be the bigger person, and fixes the problem. She can be quiet at times, but when she gets to know someone, she will quickly start a conversation. She doesn't really do much, but play with her dolls, but what do I expect, she's a five year old girl.

Now let me tell you about my husband Zayn Malik.

I know that we have had a rough time getting along during our high school years, but we all put that decided behind us, and focus on our future, and it has been going great so far.

You might all know Zayn as the boy who bullied me in high school, just because he had a huge crush on me, and just pretended to play it off, well I am happy to say that Zayn has decided to change his old ways, and be the responsible dad that he has always promised me. He still smoked and drinks, and I prefer him not to smoke around me or the kids, which he's totally understands. We both drink, but I only drink on special occasions, but he drinks every time he goes to a party, and especially when he gets stressed. At some points he gets out of control, but luckily I can calm him down.

But I'm only 22, and he's 23, so of course we still are a bit immature.

But overall I love him no matter what.

Now if you're wondering how I have changed over the years, you going to get your wish.

My personality hasn't changed at all. I'm still a bit insecure about myself, I am a little shy, but I have came out of my shell a bit and I am learning how to show people who I really am. But I still have doubts about the things I do, which I obviously worry about, but luckily, Zayn is helping me through it.

Now me on the outside is a totally different person.

As you all might know, is that I did use to cut myself because of certain reasons, but now I have things to cover my marks up.

Zayn has convinced me to get a few tattoos, so I probably have maybe...about 27 tattoos, or maybe a bit more.

I don't know?

And basically just the normal things like facial hair, I've grown in height a bit, gained a couple of pounds, and my hair has definitely gotten longer. I still have some of my curls, but overall my hair is basically more wavy.

But no matter how much I will change, I will always be the same Harry Styles.

Zayn's POV
So here I am five years later, and now 23 years old, with a beautiful family.

Things haven't really changed much over the past few years...

Oh what am I saying? Actually everything has changed.

First of all me and Harry are finally husbands, and are raising two adorable kids, and I'm hoping for another one, but Harry just won't budge.

But I'm sure he will change his mind.

Me and Harry has actually been doing going great so far, and I hope it stays that way. I mean I have done so many horrible things to him in the past, but he still forgave me for all my actions, and accepted the ring that I put on his finger, so of course I love this boy.

Now Harry has changed a bit over the years, yet he still is his cute charming self at the same time.

He has definitely came out of his shell bit, and besides delivering Caden and Ava, I am also proud about how much confidence he has gained. He still has his times when he thinks negative of his self, but he's getting there.

Next to Harry, I have my two kids. I love Caden and Ava, and I know they love me and Harry back, which makes us feel good about being a fathers on the inside.

All of my bad boy ways have vanished, and I am now finally a good person.

Going through all of my past experiences actually made me really think about how much problems I have caused. So I made a promise to myself, that I would try to be a responsible adult and take care of my family.

And luckily I have kept that promise.

So do you know the feeling when you meet someone and you know they are going to turn your life completely around? Well that's exactly what Harry has done to me.

He has taught me that everything in life is not about myself, and that you can do whatever you want in life as long as you put your mind to it, and that's what I decided to do.

I know we have only been together for five glorious years, and we have actually got to know each other very well, so we think that we know about almost everything about each other, but actually...

This is only the beginning.

AN: So Harry and Zayn have been married for five years!

Everything is going great so far!

But would everything change? Will the boys life turn upside down?

So this is my second book from the Bradford bad boy series! How did you like the book so far? Please comment and vote!

Thanks For Reading!!! 😊❤️

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