Queen Aurora 3

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Before the Coronation

Xavier ran down to meet Leon who just finished chatting with his friend.
What's wrong now"They stood side by side smiling at the servants

Nothing"Xavier shook off but Leon sensed he was lying
Xavier" Leon sternly warned him,he turned to look at the guy almost his height

The Queen's dress hasn't arrived yet "he nervously confessed
It was like the while room went quiet,even the servants stared at him worried

Can you repeat that ?"Xavier huffed anxiously not knowing if he should cry and pee his pants or scream in his ear

You heard me!"He hissed stomping. Leon didn't know what to do especially when the King walked in with his hands behind his back smiling

The King noticed the off mood making him suspicious.At the same time Xavier's cousin who was a female servant for the Queen came down running but stopped okce she saw the King's back

She bowed then rushed to his side "the dress got ripped"she whispered squeezing his hand in frustration

His eyes were close to falling out at this point.
"Where is the Queen ?" He asked as she was about to answer the King stepped up to them curiously

„What's going on ?" Xavier nervously laughed it off with his cousin knowing they were both dying inside

„Nothing your majesty " he denied nodding with his Cousin
Nothing happened to the Queen's dress"Savanna spilled shutting her mouth quickly

Xavier gave her a annoyed look while the King looked confused
Well that's good. If something did happen to her dress the whole thing would be ruined"They all chuckled with the king who didn't believe a single word they said

The King was already fully clothed in his coronation outfit.The theme was white as far as he knew

He continued on walking but changed his destination     Without any of them knowing

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He continued on walking but changed his destination     Without any of them knowing .

He stood in front of her chambers quietly,he walked in seeing her in a purple dress while embroiding boredly

She looked up seeing the King lookibg confused around in her room
Do you need something?"She stopped embroiding looking at him

Where are your servants?"He asked making her shrug
They said the were picking up my dress "Aurora stood up stretching her back after sitting there for hours

How long ago ?"He asked again ,she yawned tiredly
I satrted embroiding the minute they left which was like 3 hours ago ?"She calculated looking at the time

Oh before I forget, I am with child"Aurora sat down tiredly the minute she stood up she just wanted to sit back down

I don't believe you "He smiled nervously making her look at him confused
She signalled him to come over ,she took his hand and layed it on top of her growing belly

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