Once upon a time lived two boys Doge and his friend Beluga. They both were really close friends and lived in the town of meme town where all the memes live like Da Rock who was Doge and Beluga's neighbor. One day the sky became dark and thunder started rumbling. Then out of the sky came Borzoi who was a ancient devil who caused a lot of terrible mishaps on the world of memes but he was ultimately stopped before he got internal power by all the five different types of memes first the dogs, second the cats, third trolls, fourth the humans and finally the food items. These five legends mixed their powers to make the meme collision which trapped Borzoi. But then Doge realized and said to Beluga "We have to get out of here" and he was right as when they got out of meme town quickly Borzoi used the dark meme power to make the other meme citizens into corrupted soulless memes. Doge and Beluga were in pain and the Beluga said "According to the legends to stop Borzoi the need to gather all the different types of memes and join powers and make the collision
Doge's Cowardly Adventures Vol 1: Corrupted World
AdventureDoge is a scared dog who is gonna be exploring the world of memes with his friend beluga