Don't test me...

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Katsuki while he is driving.. he keeps putting his hands to your thighs to squeeze 'em but you grab his hands and put it away to annoy him.

He noticed that you were playing with him and he got very annoyed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing??" He said.. He was definitely mad now… he wasn’t trying to hide it, either. He looked over at you, narrowed eyes and scowling as he gripped the steering wheel tight… He was seriously considering taking his hand off the steering wheel and just slapping your hand right now and put his hand again to your thighs and squeeze it harshly, just to get his point across… but his anger only lasted for a few moments before he calmed himself.

"I swear to god....if you do that again..."

He just trailed off, his threat left unfinished…

"No" Katsuki heard you chuckle as you put his hands away again to annoy him..

Katsuki was getting more annoyed with you by the second… you were being so cheeky, and that drove him absolutely crazy. He could feel his temper flaring up as his fists started to clench. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out… it was better to remain silent than to say something you would later come to regret, after all…

With a great amount of effort, he managed to get his temper back under control. With a sigh of exasperation, Bakugou reached over and placed his hand back on your thigh.

As he had hoped, you had let his hand remain on your thigh. Although, you only did this for a moment before he heard you chuckle to yourself again.

"Is something funny?" He asked in an almost mocking tone... He was being pretty sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek with that little comment, however...

the fact still stood, though... you really were being pretty cheeky right about now, and it was getting under his skin a tad bit.

"I swear, you just enjoy being a brat, don't you?"

"Its just a habit of mine-annoying you."

"You and your stupid games... you always just love to annoy me!" He said with a soft chuckle.
He had this slight, teasing sound to his voice. He was getting slightly annoyed with the constant back-and-forth bickering between you two, however... He then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, a soft smile spreading across his face as he continues to drive.

"You really are just a brat, aren't you? I can't believe I'm with someone like you."

The last sentence came out as a compliment rather than an insult.

"I'm your brat." You wink at him.

"Yeah? What does my little brat want right now, huh?”

He said teasingly—there was a playful look in his eye. As much as he tried to keep up the mean act, you definitely got through to him on some level… and it was clear from the way he was looking at you that you held some kind of power over him…

"I don't know, where are we going anyways?"

“I was going to take you out into the city—maybe treat you to dinner and a movie… but I get the impression that all you want to do is be a brat…”

He said with the slightest smirk on his face. He couldn’t resist the urge to tease you once again… he was really starting to love getting a reaction out of you like this.

"And so what if I'm a brat? What are you gonna do about it huh?"

His smirk widened and his eyes twinkled in mischief… He seemed to be thinking something over before he responded… after a moment, however, he leaned in close and placed his mouth right up against your ear, letting out a soft laugh as he whispered to you.

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