Part I

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It was a foggy wet morning in the infamous "haunted" Mystic Woods. I was laying on a moss covered rock near the old Pawtucket River, my usual spot; I began to swirl my three middle fingers in a circular motion against the soft bright green stuff, my body relaxing from the comforting movement. My long brownish-black thick hair laid limp against rock, it was so long that it fell off the edge of the rock. The rock just so happened to be big enough for my abnormal length, giving me the opportunity to stretch and release my long limbs. The ancient rock was the perfect position to be in the morning to watch the sunrise.
As a child, at the age of eight I would venture out into the woods at five am for an escape from reality, an adventure, or for just no other reason at all but to just watch the sunrise. Of course as a child I would not go alone into the haunted Mystic Wood at such a time, the only person I would travel out with was a boy named Josh.
I ment Josh on the first day of the second grade; Josh, myself, and another girl named Patricia would never really like to hang out with the other kids, so we just so happened to always be partnered together. Whether it was class projects or even budding up we always managed to be together. We got close and formed into a team, that couldn't be broken. Or so I thought.
It was April 3rd 2007, I was eight years old, my parents were out on a date night while I was at home watching cartoons with my Aunt Kate at nine o'clock, past my bed time. While Sponge Bob was playing we heard a loud knock at the door, my Aunt was nervous so she told me to stay in the living room while she attended while the strange guest. Of course as a curious child I wanted to know what was going on so I sneaked up behind her and began to ease drop. As she opened the door I could see the flaring of red and blue lights and Josh's father standing at my door, his face was somber and I knew something was wrong. I could only make out a few words, accident and death. The next thing I knew I could see my Aunt turn completely white and her petite body crumbled to the floor. She began to wale, scream, and shake all at once. Worried I raced to the door where my Aunt collapsed into the officers arms and asked what happened all he told me was that everything was going to be okay. I knew he was lying and I wanted to know the truth.
"Please Mr.Wright tell me what happened." Before he could reply another cop scooped me up and carried me to the car. Frightened I began to scream and shout at him to let me go and to tell me what was happening, it wasn't working so I started to hit and kick him but he didn't even flinch.

Later that night, after I calmed down, a police woman told me that my parents had passed away in a car crash. Apparently a couple of teenagers were drunk driving and lost control and knock my parents off the highway into a steep ledge that lead into a forest. There was no way to save my parents. The teens were alive taken into custody. After hearing the news I began to see the room spinning, my pulse began to race, I couldn't breath, I started to shake, I was drowning in fear and sorrow. The next morning I found myself in a hospital bed, apparently I had a huge panic attack and I eventually passed out.
For the next few months I barely spoke to anyone, not even to my Aunt. One day at school Josh came up to me for the first time in a month and told me he had a secret he wanted to share with me in my Aunts and Uncles backyard after school. When I came home I saw him waiting for me at the edge of the forest. He was sitting down crisscross with his tan face pressed against his hands. Once he saw me he perked up and a big old grin grew across his face. I walked right in front of him with my arms crossed and asked him rudely want the secret was. He made a familiar frown I saw often when he was confused. Instead of making a comment he took my small hand and lead me into the woods. There he took me onto a path he made several years ago with his mother before she passed away which lead to the rock I always sit at. He began to climb the rock with magnificent cease and glanced behind him to make sure I was still there. When we other got to the top I saw that Josh had began to lay down and gaze at the clouds, not even a word came out of his lips. I just glared at him thinking that this was a joke but I slowly began to realized that he was trying to help. So instead of storming off I shuffled a little closer and laid right next to him. It was at that moment that for the first time, since the accident, that I was truly happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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