Part 1 - introduction

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Byun Baekhyun. Your normal average 26-year-old.

Yeah .. "normal".

Sure he worked your average 9-5 office job, went to college, and graduated school .. but he had a secret. One that no one knew unless you knew him since his younger days which was only 2 people. Kyung Soo and Young Jae. His two best friends have been with him since they were just kit- I mean babies.


Baekhyun groaned as he slowly opened his eyelids. He looks around the annoying noise that woke him still going off. He looked over at his phone before unlocking it and turning his alarm off.

Baekhyun sighed as he sat up, stretching and yawning in the process. His messy hair sticking straight up, and his white nightshirt hanging off his shoulder exposing his collarbone.

Oh! I guess we should talk about what makes him different huh? Baekhyun was a hybrid .. a human crossover with an animal. Don't worry though it wasn't from anything nasty ..

50 years ago scientists thought it would be cool to take the DNA from different animal species and mix it with human DNA creating what we know now as Hybrids, and as much as they were loved by the community there were some factors that came from it.

Different species had different personalities some being aggressive and everyone thought all hybrids were aggressive which was not true at all. So now I'm today's society they're frowned upon and even captured.

Baekhyuns mom was a single mother who always dreamed of having a baby of her own, doctors told her they could do IVF and she happily accepted. Not knowing who the donor was or anything going into it. She was just excited to finally have a baby of her own.

When Baekhyun was born the doctors or his mother didn't think much of it, in fact, his mother loved him even more.

She raised him perfectly. They had a close bond that many would be jealous of. That was until Baekhyun was around the age of 7 and his mom got with Baek's stepdad. Hwan Ji.

Hwan Ji was an evil man. He was mainly with Baekhyuns mom (Byun Min-Hee) just for her money and to have a roof over their heads since she made almost twice as much as he did.

Hwan Ji had a son of his own who was 2 years older than Baek named Dae Joon. At school, Dae Joon would purposefully bully Baek and even get his friends to call him harsh names.

One day while Min Hee was at work and Dae Joon and Baek got home from school, Hwan Ji decided to get rid of Baek once and for all.

Telling Min Hee he was going on a work trip he gathered Baekhyun when he least expected it and drove him far away .. Baekhyun was scared and didn't know what to do.

When Hwan Ji came back home he and Dae Joon came up with a story to tell Min Hee...

A stupid false story they told her. How Baekhyun had supposedly run away and when they tried to catch after him it was too late.

They held a fake funeral for Baekhyun and everything. Everyone was upset .. except Hwan Ji.

Dae Joon ended up feeling a pang of guilt. But was too scared of his father to say anything.

Baekhyun lived on the streets. Having food and everyday objects thrown at him. He found himself at an animal shelter where he lived until he was 18.

The owner and he connected a mother and son bond quickly after she took in Baekhyun. People tried adopting him.. but after finding out he was so young and not interested in mating they would spit at him and leave.

The owner took him in instead.

After he was 18 and finished homeschooling he applied to a community college and later went to college in business.

Now he works in an office and lives in his own apartment. He's terrified to let people know his truth .. so he tucks his tail between his legs and wears a beanie every day to work and out.

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