Stay For Me.

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We were in one of the rooms behind our dance studio taking a break from rehearsals. Dinah & Normani fled off to do god knows what & Ally took a phone call with her family, having not seen them in a while.

That left Lauren & I alone, which both made my stomach flutter and churn. We're in a weird spot in our relationship. She's been distant lately, not only to me but with everyone, like she's not really there, always zoned out. Her mom hasn't been the biggest support, or a support at all since Lauren told her family about us.

"Camz?" Lauren scoots next to where I lay on the long part of the sectional.

"Mhm?" I turn.

"Where'd you get that mark on your neck?" Her eyes full on concern.

"Sofi and I were walking outside and when she pushed a branch with some thorns on it out of her way, it of course scraped my neck." She giggled.

"Your luck is just one of a kind huh babe?" She smiled softly. Shit don't do that Lo.

"Without fail" I smile at my hands.

"Can I see it?" Her tone gentle.

"Sure" I move my hair to the side with the help of Lauren.

She stares at it. Rubbing her thumb over it almost as if with every stroke the redness vanishes. I've missed her touch.

I felt her other hand lay on my thigh making me turn to her, she continues to look at my neck, still grazing her thumb except it moved from the mark to my jawline.

She leans in.

Her lips kiss the mark as she scoots closer. She stays there pressing a few more small sweet kisses before she let's go.

Don't let go.

There was distance in her eyes again, close to fear. What has her mom done to make her so scared to kiss me?

"It's okay Lo." I broke her from her thoughts.

She looks at me. Then back to her fingers.

"Look at me" I use my hand to lift her chin. "It's okay to kiss me you know."

"I know" She looks back down fondling with her fingers once more before meeting my eyes again. She wraps her legs around mine, sitting on my laid out knees with her hands around my neck.

She sighs, pressing her forehead against mine. "Why do I keep coming back to you?"

"Because there's something here" I look into her eyes. "Stay this time. I don't want to lose you anymore." I slid my hands from her waist to her face, rubbing my thumbs on her cheeks.

Lauren closes her eyes, exhaling through her nose, almost like she's trying to rid every comment her mom made towards her, towards us.

"Kiss me" she whispers.

So I kissed her.

I've never felt her melt so much into a kiss. It's like she needed this kiss, this one moment to be the answer to the questions that have been burdening her. She relaxed for the first time in months.

I move my hands back down to her waist pulling her body closer. I kiss her lips with so much tenderness, trying to make the kiss itself scream to her, aching for her to understand I love her.

She breaks the kiss for a moment. Whispering against the corner of my mouth. "I won't let go this time camz."

"Good" I smile into a kiss I place on her cheek. "Let's take this off." I said pulling off her green over shirt revealing a black crop top.

"Smooth" she giggles into my neck where she starts kissing passionately. My eyes shut, melting into this feeling.


The door to the dressing room opens, Normani peeks in about to tell both girls that they needed them all in the studio but sees the interaction making her voiceless. She smiles, knowing the strain the two have been in lately.

"Guys" she moved back into the hall whispering to Ally and Dinah.

"What?" They both answer walking towards her.

"Shh.. Look!" Normani overly excited about the sight, points to the room. The two other girls peer in.

"Oh my god!" Ally scream whispers. "They're so adorable i'm gonna puke"

"HEY" Dinah screamed purposely, acting like she was yelling at the two, making Camila and Lauren separate and look to the door where they find all three girls with giddy smiles.

"Fuck you Dinah!" Camila half serious half jokingly screams throwing one of the pillows next to her at the door.

"I'll fight Mila"

Lauren laughs shaking her head and burrowing it into Camila's neck kissing it lovingly. "I love you" she speaks into her.

"I love you Lauren"

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