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I don't even know what I'm doing with myself rn... Lol


Liam: what's with all the O's Niall?

Niall: ...

Liam: umm okay...

Harry: hi I got a new kitty

Louis: hi harry! What's its name

Harry: louis ;)

Louis: awww thats cute love

Harry: I know boo just like you! :))

Zayn: good morning

Liam: so how are you guys doing?

Harry: wonderful

Louis: okay I guess

Niall: I'm fucking amazing

Zayn: I'm good

Louis: no one gives a fuck zayn!

Zayn: oh... Okay then

Harry: Lou be nice! :(

Louis: sorry babes

Niall: dats my ship^

Liam: your annoying Niall no offense

Niall: none taken bitch *sticks up middle finger*

Liam: *gasps* really now?!

Zayn: yall are boring af... Bye

Louis: byeeeeeeeeee

Harry: bye :)

Niall: bye zen

Liam: bye mate

Niall: I'm hungry...


What am I going with myself rn... Idek oh well VOTE!

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