★ 5/19/2023

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Hi, I thought I should make a work like this to update anyone interested in whether I was actively working on fics or not. I’ve made a lot of promises in the past, all of which I had been fully planning on fulfilling. A lot has happened since I began this account and started writing Sengoku Basara fanfics, though.

Feel free to skip this section, of course, if you’re uninterested in my personal updates and reasoning. This isn’t a deactivation notice or anything, so I will still be working on fanfics.

Firstly, I’ve had a lot of mental and emotional strain over the years I’ve had with this account, all unrelated to working on the fanfics. But the added stress of wanting to write on a schedule was impossible to manage, so I put it on the back burner, and then I’d forget about it. And then I would suddenly become interested in SB again, and promise I would write more. I had the full intention to actually do that, but I never followed through. I understand now that that is because of my mental state and symptoms of a few things.

I’ve learned to balance my life a bit more now. I am far from perfect, but so is my writing, and I want to better it through this account and its works. I truly adore Sengoku Basara, and any time I indulge in it I can’t help but want to write fanfiction for it. I’m going to try to be better at managing my energy and motivation for writing with the rest of my life, so that I can actually spend time on fics. I don’t want to write without any energy and have it end up dull, but I also don’t want to pressure myself to perfect it. So this account is more or less a learning experience for me.

I hope to continue writing with the support I never imagined I would have in the first place. I’m happy that so many people enjoy my fanfics and want more from me. I’m grateful to all of you. Thank you for showing interest in this. I will do my best to reach your expectations for future works.

Lastly, while I am working on the new moments series, I also have a few other works in my drafts. Some of them are longer x reader fics, and others are ship fics. I’m still more than open to requests, and if you could comment them or post them on the conversation board of my profile/account, I will absolutely write them for you. As of this moment, I am actively writing.

Thank you again and I look forward to writing more.

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