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A/n: I have no clue what to put here so yk.





"Oh, nothing important, don't worry." Isagi shrugged and stood up.

"You sure?" Nagi tilted his head and Isagi just nodded his head in response.

"When our soccer teams versed each other back in middle school, there was a huge argument involved, didn't think I'd cross paths with him again though." Isagi explained, Nagi nodded his head understanding the situation.

"I see...sorry for asking." Nagi said.

"It's fine, it's nothing personal anyways." Isagi shrugged.

"Should we text Reo and Hyo telling them we'll go to their dorm instead, if you don't want to be here?" Nagi tilted his head.

"Nah, it's alright don't worry, I don't mind." Isagi smiled.

"Alright then." Nagi said and pulled his phone out to text Hyo and Reo they were ready.

As they waited for Hyo and Reo, they chilled on their shared bed and had small conversations between each other, but they were watching a movie together on Nagi's phone. Nagi was currently wrapped around Isagi.

"Ah, Reo and Hyo are here now." Nagi mumbled.

Isagi nodded and waited for Nagi to get up as they both walked out of their room and into the opened living room, Rin was nowhere to be seen, they assumed he was in his room. Nagi say on the couch as Isagi went to the front door, unlocking it and opening the door.

Expecting to see just Hyo and Reo, there was one other visitor with them.

"Unexpectedly....we ended up finding out were sharing dorms!" Hyo chuckled.

"Yo." Chigiri waved.

Reo nodded his head.

"Oh..! That's fine, me and Nagi also found out we share with Itoshi." Isagi said.

"Itoshi Rin?" Reo asked.

Isagi nodded.

"Ah, okay." Reo said.

Isagi moved out the way for the others to come in and they did, they didn't have to explain why Chigiri was there since Nagi had heard everything.

"So where's Itoshi?" Hyo asked looking around.

"Probably in his room." Nagi responded.

"Aren't you friends with Itoshi, Chigiri?" Reo asked.

"We're in the same friend group, not exactly friends." Chigiri shrugged.

"Oh! I see." Hyo nodded.

"Mm." Chigiri nodded.

They all made themselves comfortable in the living room and began talking amongst themselves.

"Yeah! And that's when Isagi face planted!" Hyo laughed at his own story, the others all joining in.

"You didn't have to add that part in.." Isagi mumbled looking away embarrassed.

"I just found it really funny." Hyo said in-between laughter.

Isagi just got more embarrassed as they were all in a fit of laughter, Nagi who had calmed down from the laughing and was sitting beside Reo and Isagi. Just like earlier, he held Isagis pinkie.

They continued talking with each other till they heard a door open, they all looked at the direction where they had heard the sound and saw Rin coming out of the room rubbing his eyes, visibly tired.

He paused when he saw everyone in the living room, he scoffed slightly and walked into the kitchen.

"Did we wake him up or something?" Hyo asked who was leaning against the wall.

"It's only 8pm, would he sleep this early?" Reo asked.

"Maybe so if he really loves beauty sleep." Nagi shrugged.

"Actually, on the topic of relationships, this guy would always end up with new love letters everyday." Hyo said pointing to Isagi.

"Shut up! They didn't need to know that." Isagi mumbled even more embarrassed now.

"Oh really? Damn Isagi." Reo joked with laughter.

Chigiri just joined in with the laughter.

"Also, speaking of the time, we'll take our leave now since we do still have school tomorrow." Chigiri said standing up, making Hyo and Reo stand up.

With this, Nagi and Isagi unlinked their hands and hugged their friends goodbye, waving them off as Isagi shut the dorm door, locking it.

"I'm gonna have to get used to this." Nagi yawned softly.

"Mm...yeah, Hyo basically lived at my house, he's probably going to come over here everytime he gets the chance." Isagi explained, Hyo nodded along with him.

Isagi was then reminded of the the fact he didn't get the chance to ask Reo if Nagi usually held peoples hands, but then again, he didn't really mind so he just shrugged it off.

Nagi grabbed a hold of Isagis pinkie again and dragged him to their room, it was clear he was tired, so he just went along with it. They watched a movie together, again on Nagi's phone, in the somewhat same position they were in earlier.

Not long after, Nagi passed out. Isagi tried going to sleep but he couldn't. He just didn't feel all that tired, he couldn't exactly move either so Nagi was clinged onto him.

After around 20 minutes of just being on his phone, he slowly pulled himself out of Nagi's grip and walked out the room and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water.

As he was about to exit, he bumped into Rin.





A/n: yk, I really love Isagi x Nagi (if you couldn't tell.) LMAO

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