3: money power glory

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"So your name's Natalia?" Mr. Peña asked her. Because although they spent a night together, they never told each other their names. And she didn't know his first name either.

"Yes it's Natalia Volkov" she replied nervously, because she had no idea what kind of conversation this was going to be.

He nodded and pointed to the seat across from him, "Sit down"

After a moment's hesitation, she did what he told her and nervously began to play with her fingers under the table.

"How old are you?"


"Why didn't you tell me that you wanted to work here?"

"I really didn't know who you were. You never told me your name"

"How did you get this job then? Why did Connie hire you?"

"Well, Peter, the lobbyboy, is a friend of mine. He had got me an interview with Mrs. Murphy" she explained.

"That's the only reason you're here?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you mean?" she replied confused.

"Do I have to get you to sign a contract or will you keep your mouth shut?" He asked and Natalia didn't quite understand what he was getting at. He wants her to sign a NDA?

Yes she had already noticed that he was damn rich. According to Tony's newspaper, he was even a billionaire. But why should she tell someone? Nobody would believe her anyway.

"You don't want me to tell anyone? I won't, I promise. I would just be grateful if I could continue to work here"

He just nodded while he studied her face, "Good. But if you make a mistake, you're fired. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir"

"And don't think you get any special treatment, okay?"

"I won't, Sir"

"Go back to your work now, you don't get paid for doing nothing" he said sternly and Natalia got up immediately.

Without turning around again, she quickly left the room. And as soon as she closed the door, she felt nauseous. Shit, but it was probably just because she was so damn nervous in there.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Murphy asked and Natalia turned to her, startled. She hadn't expected her to be still standing in front of the door. Fuck, did she hear them?

"Yes, thank you" she replied.

"I hope he wasn't too rude. He wasn't happy that I hired someone while he wasn't around. But I hired you, and it'll be okay. He won't fire you, don't worry," she said reassuringly.

"Thank you" was all Natalia could reply, because she felt like she was about to throw up.

But she was really damn grateful for Mrs. Murphy. She didn't have to help her, but she did. And Natalia was glad that at least someone here was nice to her. Because Mr. Peña and Mrs. Jackson probably already hate her.

"It's okay. You can go back to the others, okay? I still have to talk to him" she said and knocked on the door again.

After she was in the room and closed the door, Natalia wanted to go back to the others. But first she ran to the toilet. She immediately locked the door behind her, opened the toilet seat and had to throw up.

"Fuck," she mumbled afterwards and wiped her mouth. She wasn't the kind of person to vomit when she was nervous, but maybe she's starting to be now. Because the conversation a few minutes ago was fucking exhausting.

She stayed a few more minutes in the bathroom before she went back to Mary to continue working. "Sorry it took so long, won't happen again I promise" Natalia told Mary, since she felt pretty bad about Mary having to work alone.

"Don't worry, but is everything okay? You look pretty pale"

"Yeah, just a bit tired" she replied and then they started with the housekeeping.

She tried to distract herself by cleaning, but couldn't stop thinking about the conversation with Mr. Peña earlier and their night a month ago.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Natalia couldn't really remember that night as they were both completely drunk. All she remembered was that they had met in the hotel bar and then went to his room together. Where she sucked his dick and he fucked her twice.

She was in Philadelphia for a job interview for a well known hotel. But they didn't hire her. So out of frustration she got drunk in another hotel on the same street.

When she woke up in a hotel room in the morning, she was confused and a bit paranoid at first. But then she realized that she wasn't alone in bed. Natalia lay in the arms of a man. He had his arms tight around her and her back was pressed tightly against his chest.

Then she noticed the clock on the wall and saw that it was already 10am. She sighed annoyed, she had to call her friend Peter at 9am to let him know about the job interview. Since Peter works in a hotel himself, he might be able to get her another interview.

She saw a telephone on the desk in the hotel room, but she didn't want to wake the man up or bother him with a call while he's in the same room. So she carefully freed herself from his grip and slowly got up from the bed.

After she got dressed, she looked at the man for the first time. And he was stunning. Although Natalia was a little surprised, since she would guess him in his late thirties, he still was probably the most handsome man she ever had slept with.

He lay there, naked under the covers and slept with even and calm breaths. And she didn't want to leave, but simply lay down next to him and be in his arms again.

So she just decided to go down to the reception quickly, make the call there and then immediately go back into the room. That's why she left her bag and her other stuff in the room and quietly walked out in the hallway.

Luckily, the call with Peter didn't take long. Just five minutes, and Peter had good news for her: She got a new job interview.

With a big grin she went back upstairs. But when she unlocked the door again, her good mood passed very quickly. The man and all his belongings were gone.

She didn't know who he was. Not even his name. She didn't know where he lived. And she was only in town for that one night. But still she was disappointed and felt used.

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