Breaking Point

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They entered the building laughing.

At the elevator, soon as they were inside, KyungSoo clung to JongIn抯 back. The other guys did not say anything, just laughed. A few touches from the redhead with innocent smile and then a gestured to the camera in one corner before run off. Not that the blond was against the public skinship or something.

Only sometimes, he could swear that KyungSoo was looking for something more than fanservice.

JongIn wasn抰 upset about what happened, though not visible to others. That harassment by KyungSoo was non-stop and while he laughed on the outside, taking it as a joke, it was actually the opposite; it had begun to bother him a bit. Since were many times when KyungSoo just jump on him and he was not a saint like "I'm frigid and I feel nothing."

He started to feel a lot of things. A lot of things because of KyungSoo.

Lately, KyungSoo was doing the same thing. Like when he rested on one of the beds in the room they had to share, and Kyungsoo didn抰 thought in a better idea that jump over him, then get under his sheets and practically throw him to the floor.

But that night卛n which they have to shared room again, Kim JongIn swore that the little redhead was going to receive a lesson.

Do Kyungsoo will never forget that night.

*   *   *

The red-haired singer was quick to get to bed after brushing his teeth; he was sharing room with Kai again 杗ot that he complained at all�. The other guys were in several adjoining rooms. He got down the blankets on the bed and covered up to the neck, like that he was able to observe a few steps away; Kai seemed to be sleeping in his, therefore, he came with a small little joke to wish him sweet dreams.

The room was dark so as quietly as possible he walked on tiptoe to the bed of the other and when he was about to get the sheet at once, a hand of Kai grabbed his wrist as he turned quickly to pull it up to throw him on himself.

The singer stayed on it and seconds later laughed like crazy 揝hit Kai! You scared me, I thought you were asleep.�

The blonde did not answer and when Kyungsoo wanted to make the attempt to stand, was hold by the other, Kai moved him at will till let him back against the mattress and between this and his body.

The redhead's face expression made Kai grinned, one that is craving for nothing good to Soo. 揔ai?�


揅an you let me go now?�


Yet, they still lay in there.

揔ai?� He called again.

揟ell me...�

揑'm serious le-...�

JongIn leaned over him, stopping anything that was to say, KyungSoo could feel his breath quiet close to his face. 揂nd what happens if I do not want to let go?�

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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