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"maybe I was a nuisance after all"

"I am a child that hurts my parents feeling even though I didn't mean to hurt em"

"I was not wrong, I have a reason...but I know my parents won't accept my reason and it will become an excuse to them even if it's the truth"

So I remain silent and let them be the right one and I'm the wrong one

"I want to talk with others, but I'm afraid I might say something that would hurt their feelings"

Unable to talk, I become an introvert to in their eyes

I always fantasize the thing I would like to have, the love I would like to receive, the warmth I would like to feel...but reality was never how I want it.

I too..
Want to hang out with my friend

When will I be free

When I start to talk, I'm unable to stop
Then I realised maybe I'm annoying to them.
So I stop talking.

Bottling up my feelings was never fun, and when the bottle was full and the feeling spills out....I become the one at a fault

I got no one to talk to...even my old friend rarely text me now.

So I sit silently and begin daydreaming.

To you who's reading this...
Don't judge me

I just want to let out my feelings

(U guys can share Ur sadness too)
Let it all out

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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