Leaving The Hospital

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Finn's P.O.V~

Yes! Rachel said yes! Well the truth is I have a really romantic date planned and I plan on asking her out again in a cuter way. She gets discharged from the hospital today so I packed her a bag for our date. I can't wait!

Rachel's P.O.V~

I'm the luckiest girl in the world! I got my memory back, I get to go home amd Finn asked me to be his girlfriend! This day can't possibly get any better. As Finn is driving me home I realize we are not going in the right direction of my house...

No one's P.O.V~

Rachel~ "Finn, you missed the turn."

Finn~ "No I didn't." He said seriously keeping his eyes on the road.

Rachel~ "Yes you did. My house is back that way."

Finn~ "Who says we are going to your house?" He said glancing towards her and giving her a smirk.

Rachel~ "Then where are we going?" She smiles.

Finn~ "That's for me to know and you to find out my dear." He says reaching his hand over and grabbing Rachel's.

Rachel~ Gladly takes Finn's hand and says "Babe you know I hate surprises."

Finn~ "Yes, but you do love me."

Rachel~ "That I do."

They drive a little longer and then Finn stops the car and looks at Rachel who is in awe.

Rachel~ "Wow Finn this place is beautiful!"

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