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A/n: I have this week of school off, so I'll be able to post you guys some more chapters 😋.










Isagi looked up at Rin, before glaring.

"You're in the way, move." Isagi said and pushed past Rin.

Rin only clicked his tongue in annoyance and returned the shove as they both walked past each other.

"You should move the next time." Rin said with clear distaste in his tone of voice.

Isagi rolled his eyes.

"Out of all people to be paired with, you." Isagi groaned.

Rin then rolled his eyes aswell.

"Too bad we can't change dorms." Rin mumbled to himself as he had just finished fixing himself and snack.

They were both in silence, dead silence. As if they were about to attack each other at any given moment.

"Hope you know majority of that argument was your fault." Isagi reminded him, making Rin click his tongue annoyed.

"Don't say that like you didn't start some of it." Rin said.

They both just kept spouting insults to each other, the both of them forgetting the fact Nagi was in the other room, asleep. But at this point, they were both infront of each other practically yelling insults at each other.

"You're tiring me out, I'm leaving." Isagi groaned in annoyance.

"I'm not finished with you." Rin said and held onto Isagis arm stopping him from exiting.

Isagi was startled but his face sooner turned annoyed.

"What else did you want now?" Isagi asked irritated.


"Well...what?" Isagi asked a bit confused now.

Rin groaned in annoyance.

"Nevermind, forgot it, I'm going to bed." Rin said letting go of his arm and heading back to his bedroom.

Isagi stood there, in complete confusion.

"The hell was that about..?" Isagi mumbled to himself.

"I don't know..." Nagi yawned and wrapped his arms around Isagis waist.

"Oh, you're awake? Did we wake you? Sorry." Isagi chuckled awkwardly.

"Mm...it's fine." Nagi yawned again.

"Let's just go to bed now." Isagi said with Nagi nodding his head in agreement.

And the next day came.

Everyone got ready for school and all. Nagi and Isagi both met up with Hyo and Reo. As they were getting ready to go, Rin was around for a little bit, but Nagi kept them from arguing with each other because, that hurt his ears last night.

"Heya!" Hyo waved them over with Reo also waving.

"Hi." Isagi waved, Nagi's eyes glued to his phone.

"Sooo~ how'd it go?" Hyo asked.

"How did what go?" Isagi asked.

"You know..last night?" Hyo deadpanned him.

"Oh." Isagi said and Nagi sighed.

"Don't get me started, he was just being annoying." Isagi groaned, yet he was still somewhat questioning why Rin would pull a move like that.

"Uhh, alright?" Hyo hummed and nodded.

"What class do you guys have first?" Hyo asked looking at Reo who pulled his timetable out.

"History." Reo mumbled before sighing.

"A boring class." Reo added to his sentence.

"Dayum..goodluck." Hyo laughed and patted Reo's back.

"What do we have first Isagi?" Hyo asked.

"Why're you asking me?" Isagi asked.

"Do you seriously not know?" Hyo sweatdropped.

"I thought you would've know.." Isagi mumbled.

"I thought you would've...you know what, I'll just check." Hyo said and pulled his timetable out and looked at the subjects for today.

"And we haveee, Science." Hyo groaned at the subject.

"Fun." Isagi said.

"For real?" Hyo asked.

"I was being sarcastic."












A/n: my brain is not braining rn, idek what I even wrote if I'm being honest, so, sorry in advance lmao.

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