Chapter 4 : in the basement 2 and more about eclipse 2

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Eclectic *Yes I have to and Idc about him
Moon*we all know you adore him no come on let's go get him.
Eclipse *No I'm not going she going to come back to get us to and now She back now
Moon*a trick to make eclipse react he's gonna react* then let's leave him here.
Eclipse *She going to be mad at you.
Evil person* YOU SUNNY BOY COME HERE NOW* door open from the basement *HURRY UP
Evil person *grabs his rist* COME ON.
Sun* Owww moon help me and What are doing to me.
Sun* Owww owww.
Moon* pulls him back* LET GO OF HIM.
Sun* Ow Owww Let go of me Noo moon help me.
Moon* LET GO *grabs sun in his arms* WHAT THE FICK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Sun*It's huntsss moon.
Moon* ik now eclipse you go get your brother NOW.
Eclipse * no idc about him.
Eclipse *No boss you can take me.
Moon* pulls a gun out * I SAID NOW.
Eclipse *Now now moon we don't want this.
Eclipse *Idc about lunar and What should I did boss.
Evil boss* I'm drunk right now do what blueberry tells you.
Eclipse *But boss you hate him.
Evil person *NOW.
Eclipse *Ok boss*goes and get lunar and hose back to the basement * there and now what boss.
Evil person *give the shit some clothes.
Eclipse *Yes boss here lunar* give lunar clothes * now what boss and Boss how do you get drank.
Evil person * I went to the club now just listen to blue berry I'm going to bed.
Eclipse *Ok boss.

* it the next morning *
Moon* get up.
Eclipse *Fine.
* thes door open *
Evil person* WAKE UP SKANKS.
Eclipse *Ok boss.
Lunar*shut up I'm trying to finish my wet dream.
Eclipse *No you lunarAnd boss your Drunk last night.
Lunar*shh I wanna finish my dream.
Eclipse *No.
Eclipse *Boss now what,
Evil person* I'm in a good mood today I'm going on a 2 month  work trip.
Eclipse *What about them and me.
Evil person *and your gonna stay here up stairs.
Eclipse *Ok boss and Bye boss
Evil person * bye .
Eclipse *Now what.
Moon* so your brother over there humping his pillow are you gonna.
Eclipse *Idc about him.
Eclipse *Boss you drunkAnd you hate him.
Eclipse *But boss.
Moon* just put lunar in a actually room.
Eclipse *No idc * go up to room and slam the door closed *What happened to my boss.
Moon*I'll go talk to him sun you put lunar in his own room.
Sun* ok moon.

* in eclipse room*

Eclipse *Why why just why.
Moon opens door * eclipse.
Eclipse *Yes Moon.
Moon*closes the door* I know you love your brother.
Eclipse *Idc about him moon.
Moon*pulls out dairy* you know what this is.
Eclipse *What.
Moon*ik this is yours.
Eclipse * Ok.
Moon*page 1 dear diary.
Eclipse * ......Keep going.
Moon*my I adore my brother I have complicated feelings for how I should feel for him.
Eclipse *I don't remember any of this.
Moon*high school isn't making anything better.
Eclipse *Moon can I tell you something.
Moon*tell me.
Eclipse *She made me forget about and made me hate you and sun that why.
Moon* see you love your brother you just can't show it because your scared.
Eclipse *Yes I know o no she back.

* front door open *

Moon*it's a two month vacation she's not here that's probably sunny.
Eclipse *Ok good.
Moon*Yeah and your just scared.
Eclipse *When I do something bad then she s@x with me I now moon.
Moon*ik it's ok I'm here now.
Eclipse *Ok * hugs moon * thank you moon and O hi lunar.
Lunar*crying* you love me 😭.
Eclipse *Yes lunar come here lunar.
Lunar*run into eclipses arms* 😭.
Eclipse *It's ok now I'm here now.
Lunar*I missed your hugs.
Eclipse *I now me too lunar and Now what moon.
Moon* you need to talk to lunar about how horny he get and about mouning in his sleep.
Eclipse *Ok lunar you need to stop being horny and out too ok.
Lunar* I can't help myself my body Is just used to it now.
Eclipse *Please it not ok lunar to do that.
Lunar*im 15 I have complicated emotions.
Eclipse *I now lunarBut you have to stop please.
Lunar*I'll try but it just feels good.
Eclipse *Just try to stop please.
Lunar*I want to but it always comes back because how good it feels.
Eclipse * Moon i don't now what do.
Moon* you leave and I'll talk to him.
Eclipse *Ok * goes to the living room*.

*5 minutes later*
Moon* Eclipse.
Eclipse *Yes moon.
Moon*talk to him *leaves*.
Eclipse * Ok * goes back to his room *Lunar.
Eclipse *You done being  horny Now.
Lunar* I'll try harder not to next time.
Eclipse *Ok we'll Good night lunar.
Lunar* good night eclipse.

( this was so long to do well good night or day byee)

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