Eclectic *Yes I have to and Idc about him
Moon*we all know you adore him no come on let's go get him.
Eclipse *No I'm not going she going to come back to get us to and now She back now
Moon*a trick to make eclipse react he's gonna react* then let's leave him here.
Eclipse *She going to be mad at you.
Evil person* YOU SUNNY BOY COME HERE NOW* door open from the basement *HURRY UP
Evil person *grabs his rist* COME ON.
Sun* Owww moon help me and What are doing to me.
Sun* Owww owww.
Moon* pulls him back* LET GO OF HIM.
Sun* Ow Owww Let go of me Noo moon help me.
Moon* LET GO *grabs sun in his arms* WHAT THE FICK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Sun*It's huntsss moon.
Moon* ik now eclipse you go get your brother NOW.
Eclipse * no idc about him.
Eclipse *No boss you can take me.
Moon* pulls a gun out * I SAID NOW.
Eclipse *Now now moon we don't want this.
Eclipse *Idc about lunar and What should I did boss.
Evil boss* I'm drunk right now do what blueberry tells you.
Eclipse *But boss you hate him.
Evil person *NOW.
Eclipse *Ok boss*goes and get lunar and hose back to the basement * there and now what boss.
Evil person *give the shit some clothes.
Eclipse *Yes boss here lunar* give lunar clothes * now what boss and Boss how do you get drank.
Evil person * I went to the club now just listen to blue berry I'm going to bed.
Eclipse *Ok boss.* it the next morning *
Moon* get up.
Eclipse *Fine.
* thes door open *
Evil person* WAKE UP SKANKS.
Eclipse *Ok boss.
Lunar*shut up I'm trying to finish my wet dream.
Eclipse *No you lunarAnd boss your Drunk last night.
Lunar*shh I wanna finish my dream.
Eclipse *No.
Eclipse *Boss now what,
Evil person* I'm in a good mood today I'm going on a 2 month work trip.
Eclipse *What about them and me.
Evil person *and your gonna stay here up stairs.
Eclipse *Ok boss and Bye boss
Evil person * bye .
Eclipse *Now what.
Moon* so your brother over there humping his pillow are you gonna.
Eclipse *Idc about him.
Eclipse *Boss you drunkAnd you hate him.
Eclipse *But boss.
Moon* just put lunar in a actually room.
Eclipse *No idc * go up to room and slam the door closed *What happened to my boss.
Moon*I'll go talk to him sun you put lunar in his own room.
Sun* ok moon.* in eclipse room*
Eclipse *Why why just why.
Moon opens door * eclipse.
Eclipse *Yes Moon.
Moon*closes the door* I know you love your brother.
Eclipse *Idc about him moon.
Moon*pulls out dairy* you know what this is.
Eclipse *What.
Moon*ik this is yours.
Eclipse * Ok.
Moon*page 1 dear diary.
Eclipse * ......Keep going.
Moon*my I adore my brother I have complicated feelings for how I should feel for him.
Eclipse *I don't remember any of this.
Moon*high school isn't making anything better.
Eclipse *Moon can I tell you something.
Moon*tell me.
Eclipse *She made me forget about and made me hate you and sun that why.
Moon* see you love your brother you just can't show it because your scared.
Eclipse *Yes I know o no she back.* front door open *
Moon*it's a two month vacation she's not here that's probably sunny.
Eclipse *Ok good.
Moon*Yeah and your just scared.
Eclipse *When I do something bad then she s@x with me I now moon.
Moon*ik it's ok I'm here now.
Eclipse *Ok * hugs moon * thank you moon and O hi lunar.
Lunar*crying* you love me 😭.
Eclipse *Yes lunar come here lunar.
Lunar*run into eclipses arms* 😭.
Eclipse *It's ok now I'm here now.
Lunar*I missed your hugs.
Eclipse *I now me too lunar and Now what moon.
Moon* you need to talk to lunar about how horny he get and about mouning in his sleep.
Eclipse *Ok lunar you need to stop being horny and out too ok.
Lunar* I can't help myself my body Is just used to it now.
Eclipse *Please it not ok lunar to do that.
Lunar*im 15 I have complicated emotions.
Eclipse *I now lunarBut you have to stop please.
Lunar*I'll try but it just feels good.
Eclipse *Just try to stop please.
Lunar*I want to but it always comes back because how good it feels.
Eclipse * Moon i don't now what do.
Moon* you leave and I'll talk to him.
Eclipse *Ok * goes to the living room*.*5 minutes later*
Moon* Eclipse.
Eclipse *Yes moon.
Moon*talk to him *leaves*.
Eclipse * Ok * goes back to his room *Lunar.
Eclipse *You done being horny Now.
Lunar* I'll try harder not to next time.
Eclipse *Ok we'll Good night lunar.
Lunar* good night eclipse.( this was so long to do well good night or day byee)
You are only mine
RomanceSun and moon au has drama and sex and murders in this book hi guys I'm making a lot of drafts for it will take a while for it to be finished so I might post some of the chapters so it a long rp and we start this in 2020 so yeah so bye have a good d...