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Chapter 1

Cipher had to go on a work trip in a couple of hours, and even if it was only for a few days, she was still worried. Cipher, in time, collected quite a few enemies who would do anything, even as far as kidnapping her family, to make her pay.
i tried to convince her that everything would be fine, and that they had no way of knowing who i was, how would they?

Cipher and i have only gone out in public a few times, and always in disguise. She couldn't risk it. I sat her in the living room, still trying to convince her. 'Cipher, please, even if i don't like your job, i know you do. And i won't be the reason for you to stop working. It's just for a few days, i'll be fine alone. And besides, i know how to take care of myself.' Cipher sighed. 'Honey, i know. It's not that i don't trust you to be alone or your self- defending skills, i don't trust my enemies. They wouldn't stop at anything.' She said as she got up and held my hands, as to reassure me.

'I know you're just worried, Ci, but i don't think Dom would be much of a problem.' i say and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion. ;And what makes you think that dear?' she challenged. 'Well, you mentioned his wife, Letty Ortiz. Me and her were childhood friends, and i did hear from her about a month before i met you. They do have some moral code, you know. She wouldn't let Dom do anything.' i saw Cipher's face and knew i was winning. 'Okay fine, but call me every three hours, y/n, or i'm coming back early.' i laughed and hugged her. 'Okay ma'am.'


Cipher left about two hours ago, and i decided it was no use to just sit around in the house, so i went out to the nice cafe. I already miss Cipher, and it hasn't even been that long. Man i'm not gonna survive the next few days. I got ready, and left the house. It was about a 15 minutes walk form the house to the cafe, so i decided to call Cipher up now.

She answered after just two dials. 'Is something wrong?' Cipher asked, worry dripping from her voice. 'No of course not love,why would you think that?' i laughed a bit trying to lighten her. 'Well, you weren't supposed to call for another hour dear and i just got worried, that's all.' she sighed. 'You're really cute, you know?' i laughed. 'So are you, my sweet. How are you?' she asked. 'I've missed you a lot and got bored at home so i decided to go to a cafe. What about you?'  'holding up well. The minute i got there, there was already a pile of work waiting for me. It'll all be over in a week though.' i could hear her tone relax by just saying this. 'Cipher, stay safe, please.' i told her seriously. Her job is dangerous, and she could get caught. 'I will, i promise. Sweet i've got to go someone idiot needs my help. I love you.' she said and hang up.

By the time we ended the call i've reached the cafe. I sat down, waiting to be served, but something felt off. I reached for my phone to text Cipher, but i knew i would just be disturbing her work. So i just ignored it when a waitress came to take my order. 'What would you like to order?' the waitress asked, she had a British accent, which was weird for the area i was living in, but i guess she's not the only British person here. 'Um, i'll just have an espresso please.' i said. 'Would that be all?' she asked with a smile. 'Yes, thank you.' i replied.

She then took off to go serve other costumers. The vibe was still off, so i looked around. I saw Letty. What was she doing here? She sat with another guy, and i would've assumed she was on a date but they both had ear pieces and papers scattered on the table, which seemed a bit off. I then looked to the other side, towards the kitchen to see the waitress who served me talking to non other then dom torreto.

This was a trap. I took my bag out, payed quickly and left. I took out my phone to text Cipher my live location, in case i do get kidnapped, but before i could even do that, i saw dom and the guy who sat next to Letty earlier, not so far behind me. I started walking fast, then running. That went on until i hit an alley, and dom and his friend catched up to me. I turned around to look at them, scared. Dom chuckled to himself and got closer to me. I backed up, as he walked forward. My back hit a wall and that's when i knew, i was screwed. He was gonna use me to get to Cipher. 'What do you want?' i asked. Dom just smirked and punched me so hard i lost consciousness. The last thing i heard was 'Get her in the car and tell the others we've got her. We don't have much time before she wakes up. Then it all went dark.

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