Chapter 6

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Once I had finally woken up, I realized it was close to midnight. I had not intended on sleeping that long. I can't take it back now though, it is what it is. Taking my time to not get dizzy, since I have a syndrome that makes my blood pressure unstable... I sit up once I feel I'm ready to. As well as doing so very slowly. To make sure I don't fall once I decide I'm ready to get up from my bed.

Once I'm sure my blood pressure is stabilized, I push myself from my bed to go to the bathroom. When I do so, I feel a pull and a crack. "What the fuck?" I mumble grasping my wrist in pain.

It felt as if my wrist was broken. "Shit!" I proclaimed. I hold my wrist, making my way to the bathroom where I had some ace bandages from past injuries.

Quickly I wrapped my wrist in the ace bandage, before venturing to my mother's room. "Mom I need to go to the hospital," I said.

"What'd you do now?" My mother asked sounding very annoyed.

"I think I broke my wrist," I answer. My mother unwraps my wrist and checks it over. Not seeing any immediate swelling or bruising. "It'll be fine." She said laying back down and pulling her pillow close to her. I sigh and wrap my wrist back up with the ace bandage. Trying to give it some support. Then going to my room to try and sleep.

The Next Morning

I had tossed and turned all night in pain. The pain shot from my shoulder, to my elbow, then to my wrist. Not being able to get my arm comfortable was the worst thing in the world. Especially because the pain is in my dominant hand/arm.

I rolled out of bed slowly and found my way back into my mother's room. Continuing to complain about the pain in my arm, wrist, and shoulder. "They're just going to x-ray it and tell you there's nothing wrong with it. You probably just pulled a muscle." My mother said annoyed.

"Please, Mom..." I ask. "Can you please take me to go get checked out?" I ask. She sighs and rolls out of bed and asks me if she can drink her coffee first. Then take me to get x-rays of my wrist. "That's fine..." I say. Then go to my room with my arm and wrist elevated. Trying to soothe the pain.

After about an hour and a half, my mother announces she has finished her cup of coffee. So I load up into the car with her and put my arm up as best as I can in the given situation. Then kicking my flip-flops off relaxing in my chair.

"I'm telling you, they're going to do x-rays and tell you that you're fine and just pulled something." My mother said.

"And I'm telling you that it hurts," I state very seriously. Making sure my mother knows I am serious. That I'm not pretending to be in pain for a trip to the hospital for attention.

Soon, we arrive at the hospital. My mother lets me out at the door. I go in and to security. Unfortunately, the metal detector goes off immediately. "I do have screws in my knee but I was told it is not metal," I tell the security officer.

"I also do not have anything sharp or pointy that can poke or cut you," I tell the officer. As I get wanded and patted down. Just to find out that the metal detector was set off by my bra.

"Go ahead on in." The officer tells me as my mother walks in. I nod and continue into the hospital building as my mother gets the same treatment as I did. Being frisked over a bra clasp.

I walk over to the desk making eye contact with the guy at the desk. Who I find extremely attractive. So I nervously get his attention. "I need to check in for the emergency room," I say to the boy.

"Sure," he says staring into my eyes stumbling and fumbling with his equipment. I smile knowing I'm having some effect on the boy. After what probably felt like forever for him knowing his boss is watching, he finally gets me checked in.

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