Part 11: The bound

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Yuto: how about i will mark you three as mine~?

Queen and miku: *just looking away in a shy way*

Kurumi: only if you promise us one thing and one thing only

Yuto: wich would be~?

Kurumi: you love us three equally

Yuto: i promise *he has a slight smirk on his face as he promised kurumi that*

Kurumi: good

Yuto: now *he cuts his arm with a knive and the he creates out of his blood three leashes with collar and takes them on the girls then he stands up*

Kurumi, queen and miku: *they blushed as soon he created the leashes*

Yuto: how about we go for a walk~?

Kurumi: *becomes a blushing mess understands how he meant it*

Queen and miku: *stand up and look at him*

Yuto: you miss understand me i meant you three crawl after me after all why would i need the leashes then~?

Queen: wh-whatever you say sadist *goes down on all four*

Miku: i-i will do any-anything for you master~

Yuto: *chuckling in a lustful tone, shadows hide his body and suits him again similar to kurumi*

Kurumi: "kn-knew it"

Yuto: come with me then~ *pulls on the leashes as he walks into the livingroom*

Kurumi, queen and miku: *follow him on all four and still naked*

Yuto: *sits down In a leather chair and let hid smirk widen as he sees the three girls naked infront of him*

Kurumi: *lays her head on his lap from his left side laned onto yuto*

Yuto: *pats her*

Kurumi: *smiles lightly*

Miku: *laying on the opposite side of kurumi*

Queen: *in the middle of kueumi and miku*

Yuto: i really love these view~

Kurumi: ofcourse you do

Yuto: can you blame me~?

Kurumi: no i can not yuto

Miku: im kinda lost here to be honest

Queen: how come ?

Miku: i though the two are siblings

Queen: yes and no yuto's father adopted yuto after his real parents died and happens to marry kurumi's mother but yuto and kurumi are not related biologically

Kurumi: *softly slaps queen on the head*

Queen: what was that for!?

Yuto: my real parents ?

Kurumi: thats why

Queen: im sorry yuto

Yuto: why would you be sorry for that after all i dont happen to have any memories

Queen: and thats why i am sorry...

Kurumi: "its sad...before he doed he had memories when also only one or two and now he doesnt even remember, and the oart taht makes it even more sad is that the after life he wanted to see doesn't exists for him he was traapped in darkness between death and life he didnt had the chance to meet his parents in the after life he wished himself to have since we where young probably tahts why he was suicidal when we where kids"

Yuto: oh well *keeps patting kurumi*

Miku: *gets up and kisses his cheek*

Yuto: *smiles then look at her*

Miku: yes ?

Yuto: *carries her cheek then kisses her lips intensively*

Miku: *eyes widen and hesitates but slowly kisses back just as intensive*

Yuto: *kisses much More intensive*

Miku: *keeps trying to kiss back*

Yuto: *kisses more intensive with each second*

Miku: *kissing back but pulls back and takes a deep breath and her eyes filled with love*

Yuto: tell me miku do you trust me ?

Miku: yes i do

Yuto: do you love me ?

Miku: i love you a lot

Yuto: i love you too

Miku: you better not lying~

Yuto: i dont have a reason to lie to any of you do i ?

Miku: no you dont

Queen: agreed

Kurumi: maybe you do

Yuto: whats that supposed to mean ?

Kurumi: your depressing thoughts ?

Yuto: im already dead tho

Kurumi: doesnt mean the thoughts are gone

Yuto: i suppose you are correct

Kurumi: just tell us if you feel like that we feel selfish if you only help us you know

Queen and miku : *nodding in agreement*

Yuto: i know is just hard to talk about it after all i dont want to upset any of you

Queen: fair enough i suppose

Miku: i agree but you should always remember we love you yuto

Yuto: i know

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