The start

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If you know this person or friends with them tell them both of you are going to hang out in your house to watch a movie with

And DON'T tell anyone you're going to be with them and tell them to not tell others too say "it's a secret hangout" or some shit

Turn the volume a little high do they woudnt har them screaming and shit

2 -

You're going to need s knife to 🤭 your victim here take a towel
( a big one but if you don't have one is fine I guess )

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Before you 🤭 them you should have a hole ready for them make it very deep also make sure you can out

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Take the knife and towel
while they're sitting watching the movie take the knife get behind them and stab them in the neck and push hard and drag it a bit quickly put the towel in their neck do the blood doesn't get everywhere

5 -

Put them in the hole and if you find some ugly ass stray cat take them and if you can

Kill it trust me it can help you

Out some of the first on top of that bitch you hate but leave some space and put the deadass animal there and put the rest of the dirt

That's all for now :)
I might update this and ask me if you don't understand anything :))

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