Entering the house !!!!

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You entered the house ...
Jeff and EJ run up to you

Jeff- hey look EJ new person in the house
EJ- well nah Jeff your such a dumbass
Jeff - do u think slender knows
EJ- yes ... Excuse us please let me show you to your new room

Jeff walks of to Jane
Ej- so you wanna be a creepy pasta
You- yeah kinda
Ej- well kid if you wanna be one you have to be a bit more confident
You- yeah I guess I will try
Ej- yeah so I'm going to put your stuff into your room then take you to the living room to meet the most well known creepy pastas then the less known
You- well yeah okay
Ej- then I will take you to slenders office then you can un pack and get ready for your first night
You- wow a lot of Infomation to take in but I can handle it I think
Ej- great so this is your room the two creepy pastas beside you is me eyeless jack , dark link
You- thanks ever so much now where should I put my stuff
Ej- just by or on the bed either one will do
You- okay will do

You place your bags on the bed

Ej- come on
You- yeah coming
Ej- first let's start with Ben drowned
You- okay .......can't wait
Ej-he should be by the pool watching the water
You- not weird but okay
Ej- okay

You Walk out to the garden with Ej and see ben just sat there

Ben- who is this scrub
Ej- be nice
You- uh
Ben- so who is this are they wanting to be a creepy pasta
Ej- well nah mate
Ben- go eat some liver
Ej- go drown some more

Ben gets up and punches Ej square in the face

You- guys
Ben- grow some eyes
Ej- i cant
ben- what
You- stop fighting... Can we just get on with the tour Ej
Ej- sure
You- thanks
Ej- okay lets go inside
You- Ej its 8 o clock cant we do this tomorrow
Ej- sure why not now
You- because i arrived late and I'm tired
Ej- okay fair enough

You walk up to your room...once you get there dark link knocks at your door... (Dark link will be be DL)

You- hello
DL- hi ... i heard you are new here
You- yeah just getting used to my surroundings
DL- cool ... So want help unpacking
You- um i think I'm okay at the moment
DL- okay just knock at my door if ya need anything
You- will do

Dark link leaves ... Leaving you on your own.

You- wow this place is cool but full of different types of creepy pasta some who are nice to each other of some who are very ignorant and others who are the kindest people.

You get really tired and decided to go to sleep to see what the next day brigs you

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