Now what? (2)

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Reaching my hands out to touch the drops of rain that's falling rapidly from the sky. It tickles. It's been more than 10 minutes yet there's no sign of the sky clearing up nor my uber appearance. All I can do now is helplessly wait and wish things could be better. To prevent me being bored while waiting here, Sasaki non stop chatting with me on text, making sure I was alright. His little actions made me truly elated. The rain made me cold but upon seeing his texts and messages, it warms my heart.

M:It's not here yet, sorry for being the one to slow down our plans

S:Don't apologize. We dk when we would encounter problems like these. I'm sure the uber will be here anytime soon!




The heart emoji was sent out by accident, I didn't mean to click it. But he already saw it, deleting the message now would seem awkward. So I decided to leave it there. Waiting to see what kind of response he would give.

He replied me back with two hearts emoji. Hah.? Is he trying to compete who loves each other more?

The uber finally came. It gives me a honk to let me know it's my ride. The driver was kind enough to come out of the car with an umbrella in his hand to take me towards the car. I get under the umbrella with him then thanked for his kindness. He starts to drive us to the location I appointed.

The uber driver is probably twice my age. Even know, he still looks energized and have a perfect figure. He then speaks in a guilty tone:"I apologize young man. The strong rain suddenly came so I was caught up in a traffic jam. Did it ruin ur plans?"

"Don't be sorry sir. It's fine. It wasn't ur fault that the weather was bad today.", he is a gentleman indeed. Not only did he get down with an umbrella just in case I get wet. He also gives a sincere apologies to me.

"You look like you're dressed up for some important occasion. I wouldn't want ur outfit to be soak in the rain!", the driver takes a look at my outfit. I gave him a small laugh.

He continues:"Are you meeting up with your family? Perhaps, a lover?", he gives the sneaky eyes to me.

Some taxi and uber drivers are the same. Chit chatting with the customer like knowing each other for years! I actually don't mind, at least the ride won't be too serene and boring.

I softened my tone:"Indeed, I'm meeting up with my partner..", I couldn't help but my lips lift up to the corner itself. I just can't stop smiling whenever things involved abt him.

The driver got excited.
"Well then I better get you to your destination quicker!", he speeds up a little but in a stable way.

"Here we are! Hope the traffic earlier didn't delayed much of ur time. Enjoy the pleasant night of urs even if it's a bad storm.", after bidding goodbyes, he drive off on to the main road. Turning around and have a glance at this building where Sasaki told me to meet.


Why are the building's lights off?

Sigh, now what's the problem?.



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