𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 14

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During lunch break, Amelia was sitting stressed on a table with her friends and Chris with his.

Amelia was looking at her tray not daring to look at her friends or others, especially Chris.

Lilith:"Girl..if you don't talk about it, maybe it'll make it worse. Look at you, you aren't eating a single piece of food, it's bad for your child."

Amelia:"I really don't want to talk about it, honestly. Oh and please do not remind me about the child inside of me, because we know he's the son of a bad father."

Victoria:"Girl, please do not say that. Chris ain't bad at all, he truly loves you and the child you're carrying inside of you. Should I tell you a secret? He never fell in love with any other girl in his life except for you or where you left him at the hallway where the lockers were, he was trembling like crazy and it took us like an hour to calm him down, even his friends couldn't deal with that."

Amelia:"I don't think we should talk about this here, let's talk about what had happened somewhere else."

Lilith:"Sounds good, but where exactly?"

Amelia:"I don't know..how about-"

Victoria:"In the gyms changing room, I mean for the cheerleaders."

Amelia:"Yeah I like that. Let's go then."

They stood up, took their trays and brought them with the other finished trays. Then they walked straight to the exit door. The basketball boys(Chris, Max and Alex) were watching them as they walked, especially Chris who was watching his girlfriend walk away with his heartbeat beating faster out of fear.

As they arrived to the cheerleaders changing room, first by they made sure no one was there to listen and watch them, then at the end they closed the doors and sat on the banks which were placed next to the lockers.

Lilith:"Now, tell us why you're mad at Chris."

Amelia:"I'm mad at him this morning and why? I was sitting on the kitchen table at his house, looking at magazines and then there was a page where it had my idol on it, I got excited and smiled. Then as he noticed me smiling, he came up to see what I'm doing, there it all happened. He sighed and began to be a cold person to me, as if I'm some sort of... stranger. That hurt me a lot. Because that reminds me of my old relationship with Jack."

Victoria:"But who was that idol?"

Amelia:"His name is Felix Lightning. Why?"

Lilith:"Isn't that-"

Victoria gave Lilith a look, that would probably say something like "shut up" or "don't you say a word"

Lilith:"Fine. I get it now."

Amelia was confused, questioning herself what the girls were talking about.

Amelia:"Guys? What are you you exactly talking about? Do you know Felix Lighting?"

Victoria:"Lily, shall we really tell her?"

Lilith didn't say a word, but instead she nodded.

Lilith:"Listen, so Felix Lightning is Chris' uncle. He is a model, artist and a doctor. Before, when Chris was only 5 years old, his parents were having an big argument about getting rid of Chris. His father never loved him and forced Mrs.Cookie to kill Chris and run away with him. His uncle sided his dad so there were two against one. On the same day or shall we say night, Chris was trying to sleep but because of the argument of his parents, he stood up to ask his mom and dad is they're doing fine, but as he opened his parents' door very carefully, he saw something he shouldn't have seen. Because his father was holding a knife around his mother's neck. Chris got traumatized that night, ran into his room and called the police. As they came, his father got arrested."

Amelia:"Oh my goodness! I shouldn't have looked at that magazine..."

Victoria:"It's not your fault, because you didn't know about all of this. Since you know now, everything's will probably get better. This is the story Alex and Max have told us back then, where Lilith and I were "only" friends with them."

Amelia:"Okay thanks for telling me, but...do you think he will forgive me after this?"

Lilith:"Girl, it's on the other side, he is sad thinking that you're mad at him, even that one time where you left him alone in the hallway, I needed to comfort  him and Victoria went after you to comfort you as well."

Amelia wiped off her tears and hugged her friends while smiling.  They helped her get up and let her wash her face, then they cheered her on  to walk to Chris.

As Amelia was walking while her friends were behind her, she was looking on the ground thinking what his reaction might be or what the first thing he say or even push her away, Amelia knew she was already overthinking a little too much.
After 5 seconds, she lifted up her head on her walking area, she saw Chris walking the same way as her. She ran to him, as her friends stopped walking behind her, Chris was shocked about Amelia running towards him and as she arrived, she gave him a hug.

Chris couldn't believe what was going on, then he felt the warmth inside his heart and hugged Amelia back.

Amelia didn't know what to say or do while hugging him, at the same time she didn't want to let go of him. 
Her and Chris were already noticing, that they are hugging for a little too long, so they just let go of each other, facing each other

They looked each other in the eyes, without knowing of what to say.

Chris took a sigh then he put his on his head, scratching it and said:"I-I'm sorry for being this way to you, my love. I shouldn't have behaved like that, it's just... there are things which can't be told or shown-"

Before he could even continue, Amelia put up a finger on his mouth, to say in her body language "shut up and kiss me" 

He understood what she wanted, especially while she was biting her lips and looking at his' including his eyes.

He grabbed her by her waist, then pulled her closer to her and gave her a long passionate kiss.

The smile on Amelia's face made his day brighter.

Chris:"So, what do you want to do, princess?"

Amelia:"Hmm... I don't know... maybe after school we'll do smoothies and some skincare routine?"

Chris:"Your wish is my command."

Amelia smiled at her and Chris smiled back, then he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Amelia:"Let's get to class before we get late."


They spent their school day as usual by Mr. Jones and by Mr. Smith as well. As they said planned what to do after school, they've done it all with love and passion or even went to a beautiful bug meadow. There they played catch or even done a crown out of daisy flowers. After playing catch, they laid down on the grass facing each other smilingly and laughing as the sunshine was shinning.

Oh they also watched the stars together making fake scenarios about star connections with them and their "soon to born" kid.

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