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Becky was at the safe house alone, after the vacation she has been home all day long without doing anything at all, and not to mention she literally just eat, sleep, or be on her phone to text people or scroll through social media with her back up around. other than that, she just walk around the house or the garden to get some fresh air. She doesn't get why she can't go out if she have people following her around all the time, it's not like it'll be dangerous after all. Well there's the people that want to assassinate her out there but they were not given a chance too. It's not like they will find her either.

Scrolling through social media, she saw a ton of news about her fiancé. Non Ratchanon landed on Thailand a week ago she wanted to go see him but well, Sarocha forbid her from going over to meet anyone or even going outside until she get married. But now Non being here made her more eager to go out and Meet him. But the worse that she could get right now is Freen scolding her to death for not telling her about going out, and most of all going out with her.

After a few minutes of debating inside her own head, Becky have decided she will go. The brunette got ready to go out as she place a sunglasses over her eyes, she ordered someone to drive her to the mall at first they refuse since they don't wanna get scolded by Freen but they ended up doing it anyways since Becky wasn't even light with scolding either. Freen will definitely be mad about the whole situation but it's nothing new, Freen's been getting angry with her a lot these days adding one more to the list won't stop Freen from scolding her to death.

"Stop here and wait for me, i'm gonna get some stuff. Also, I'm begging you, don't tell Freen about this. I'll make it up to you." Becky told the driver before she got out the van with her purse adjusting her sunglasses as she walks in the mall, she checked her phone once again with Freen's text messages, and the news about Non being at the mall. The brunette smirked as she walked into the mall first she bought what she needed happily before she saw a crowd forming it was probably Non.

The brunette payed for her stuff and quickly ran over to where the crowd was formed. She pushed all the women away now she was standing in front of the crowd looking at her fiancé until Freen came in and snatched Becky away from the crowd angrily which took everyone by surprise since it was so aggressive. "What the fuck!" Becky whispered yelled as she was pulled by an unknown woman.

Freen pulled Becky into the bathroom and locked the door behind them. Becky took her sunglasses off as her lips parted when she saw who it was. "Captain-" Becky started which was interrupted by Freen's bitter scoff. "I thought you'd know better than putting yourself in an open danger, your majesty." Freen clenched her jaw tightly as she stared down at Becky.

"Look — I can explain-" She was once interrupted by Freen again, when can she actually speak without someone interrupting her like this? Probably never. "No! No. There's no need for explaining, if you don't love yourself can you consider people back in Switzerland waiting for you to return safely without your head off your body!? Or or, Your grandpa, can you actually consider his feelings when he found out that you died under my supervision!? We're about to get married in six months, can you save me some face and dignity i lost for marrying you to protect you from all the danger!?" Freen whispered yelled as Becky press her back against the wall in the small space letting out a bitter scoff.

"You don't understand, imagine if it was you in my situation! Staying home all day not doing anything at all and when i have to go out i have to tell you that as well! If you don't wanna marry me then don't! It's simple we have six months left, go wherever you want! You're free from me, i don't want you to chain yourself to me like i'm some prisoner that will eventually take you down with me! I don't love you and You don't love me what the fuck is stopping you from not marrying me now! Your duty? I heard that fucking excuse every single day, Pascal. I don't wanna be someone you think that one day you'll eventually settle down for, if you don't want to marry me then don't! This mission will be comprised anyways! Whether you like it or not, Eventually you'll back away from it!" Becky yelled back as Freen took a step forward but Becky pushed her back.

"Right, I don't love you. I never will love someone like you. Who doesn't care about other's feelings and their own feelings. You're right, You will never be someone that i will settle down for one day even if there's a million copy of you, i'd rather be alone for the rest of my life then to be with someone like you. So go ahead, if you want to get yourself killed so bad go! Go meet your fiancé and show yourself! Show yourself to the world that you're desperate to see your lover so much you had to sneak out even if it gets you killed-" Before Freen could continue she earned a hard slap across her face from Becky who's eyebrows knitted together and a huge frown on her face.

"You don't deserve the title as a soldier or an FBI agent. you're just an excuse of a person for dignity you never deserve in your whole life! So i'm sorry if i'm so desperate to go see my lover. I'm sorry if i wasted your time but i'll never be sorry for your excuse of a dignity! You never loved someone in your whole life how would you know that? Nobody ever loved you, how would you feel to see your lover here and you can't greet them at all!? So i'm sorry that, nobody has ever settled down for you to love them. Because now i can see why. All you care about is your duty and never me, never how i feel, never what i have to say to you! You only care about your mission, and yourself. Nobody else but your god damn mission! If you can't give me what i want then don't bother giving me the false hope! Because i'm tired, with these stupid signals i don't know what you want! or what i want! or this stupid mission gonna go down with us! So please. If you can't do this, Let me go. I'll go back to Switzerland myself." Becky was about to leave but Freen grabbed her hand and slammed her right against the wall.

"Let go of me! You're hurting me!" Becky screamed but she was pinned against the wall by Freen who was stone cold. She wasn't even saying anything but she needed Becky to shut up. if she kept on going and screaming like that people eventually will find them and shit will get worse. Freen took a worse turn and pressed her lips against Becky which calmed Becky down. Oh how good it feels to steal someone's future wife as the fake husband. a few minutes after she pulled away from the kiss as Becky look up at Freen staring into her eyes. "Can you tell me now? Why are you here?" Becky mumbled as Freen let go of Becky and wiped Becky's lipstick off her own lips. wow, what a gentlewoman she is, Becky didn't take her eyes off Freen who parted her lips and about to speak up.

"Because —"


Cliffhanger 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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