the collapse Part 1

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Dick, Rachel, Garfield, Starfire and Jason where training when suddenly there was a cry of pain, they all turned only to see jason fall to his knees with a hand to his right side, both Dick and Rachel run to his side and they asked him if he was alright, rachel calls for superboy at the top of her voice, as superboy appeared Jason collapsed compleatelly onto his face, but Superboy grabs Jason before he could get hurt worse, Jason groans in pain as Dick gently pressed on jasons side and swears softly.

Dick tells Jason to hold on, as he picks Jason so that his right side was against Dick's nightwing abdomen so that jason wouldn't lose anymore blood, Garfield watches with a worried look on his face. As Jason groaned in pain.

They all go to the infirmiary area of the titans tower where dick lays jason on a bed and as soon as jason was laying he doesnt mind that there was blood on his suit. He asks Kory to start treating the wound on jason right side. 

Kory starts applaying a soft towel to Jason's side to try to stench the blood flow as rachel start using a bit of her power to heal the internal bleeding.

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