𝟬𝟯𝟴. . . take care of her for me

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[ real life ]


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he's not sure how he's been talked into this, but somehow chris has ended up skipping class with rory

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he's not sure how he's been talked into this, but somehow chris has ended up skipping class with rory. he doesn't particularly care about missing class, especially because they currently have health class or some other irrelevant class, but it's strange that rory is willing to skip. he's called her nerd for the past few years for a reason, namely that her grades are always annoyingly good and she's determined to get into college. it's very unlike her to want to skip, which is exactly the reason he agreed to this in the first place. there has to be something wrong, and he wants to make sure she's okay.

he kind of feels like he owes it to her after everything that's happened. he's wasted so many years hating her and times like these are chances for him to try and get at least some of it back.

which is exactly why he's currently following her down the hallway. he was confused as to where they were headed at first, but he's now realizing that they're going to the backstage area of the auditorium. it's always desolate except for after school, when the theater kids raid it and go absolutely crazy in here during rehearsals. chris sometimes hears them yelling after lacrosse practice because the auditorium is located right by the handicapped bathrooms where he and matt always change, and it honestly scares him a little.

he's got no desire to find out what they're doing, so he usually just walks away as quickly as possible, deciding to change out of his sports gear once he gets home.

lucky for him though, there's no scary theater kids here right now. it's just him and rory, the girl taking a seat on the floor next to a large rack of costumes. she picks up a hat from the floor and holds it above her head, posing.

𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚, chris sturniolo.Where stories live. Discover now