Chapter 2

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Four hours later

Currently, Elias was sitting in the data archives of the White House, sitting in a chair with his legs on the desk. After he and Cecilia had finished their tour of the White House, they had decided to go and do their own things. With the first thing Elias did was find the data archives and download everything he could get his hands on. Glancing down at the screen, it displayed that twenty-five percent of the data had been downloaded and it'll be another three hours before it finished downloading

Sighing to himself, Elias tossed his head back as began to spin in his chair. Counting every time he completed a full revolution,

"En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, åtte, ni, to."

Elias had made it to one hundred when Cecilia walked by and saw Elias spinning. Stopping, Cecilia said,

"Hva gjør du".(What are you doing)

Stopping so he faced Cecilia, Elias replied,

"Hvordan ser det ut som jeg gjør."(What does it look like I'm doing)

Crossing her arms and looking directly into Elias eyes,

"Å være dum."(being stupid)

Cecilia's eyes then wandered to the screen next to Elias. Her face changed to a disappointed expression as she looked back at Elias,

"Are you kidding me."

Cocking his head to the side, Elias said,

"What do you mean by that?"

Gesturing with her hand to the screen,

"You're literally downloading government files, I think you know what I mean."

Putting his hands together like a cartoon villain, Elias said,

"But dear sister, these have been for unattended thirty years. I'm certain they won't mind if I take a look at them."

Approaching the control desk, Cecilia said,

"That's not the point."

Seeing Cecilia move, Elias used his chair to put himself between Cecilia and the control desk. When she was close enough Elias began kicking at her, forcing Cecilia to dodge or be kicked out of the room.

After several minutes of their charade, Elias suddenly said,

"Have you thought about why we're here?"

Stopping her assault, Cecilia said,

"What do you mean by that?"

Readjusting himself properly in his chair, Elias said,

"Think about it, why would master bring us here. Sure it's a pretty place and had a lot of historic value and knowledge, but master wouldn't take us here just to sightsee."

"And what do you think the reason is?"

"My best guess is we have some sort of test and master is waiting for us to figure it out. Letting us explore whole we do so."

"That would make sense. Well, no time like the present, off to master we go."

Leaving the room, Elias followed soon after as the made their way to Asuka.

Asuka POV

Feeling the presence of both Elias and Cecilia getting closer, I opened my eyes to see the two of them walking towards me. Getting up from where I was I said,

"So have the two of you figured it out?"

Walking up to me, Elias was the first to speak,

"This is supposed to be a test, right master?"

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