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Dear Diary

Hi! ... Nice to meet you
Howdy brother!
Okaaay ... =.=

Write a diary, they said. It's fun, they said. It's very therapeutic and relaxing.
What am I even doing here...
I don't even know what to write in that thing.
Document my life? Write down my most vulnerable intimate feelings? Let out my frustration? Maybe even get poetic?
What is this? This is just a freaking notebook with empty pages. There is nothing to see here. What does everyone want from me?
Write down my thoughts? Document my dreams? For what? So that years later someone can get inspired or something like that. From what? Me? LOL

Okay, okay, a new empty page. Maybe that'll help.
Oh geez ...
Like I really can't come up with something else ...

Page one!! (Better not tell anybody, that I just ripped out two pages...)

Once upon a time in my life (lol) I met a popstar on the street.
Are we writing a fairytale now or what. That's just getting better and better (or worse!!)
Okay Diary! I'm not shitting with you.
Everyone wants me to write in this? OKAY! You wished it upon yourself.
Then I'll just tell the "diary" (geez.. that thing isn't even human.. LOL) what happened that very day. And no I'm not talking about an actual accident. And ... NO! I'm not dating anybody.. (that's what she said... hueheu)

I remember it like it was yesterday.
... now we're turning into a grandma aren't we?? ...

Well, here's the thing. I've been playing music with my friends on the streets of Hongdae for years now. We're here every summer night. It was always like that. Same thing every summer.
We alwas animated everyone to sing and play with us. It still surprises me how many tagged along. How many talented singers and musicians I've met. How so many of them were just students, who had other plans in life than making music their jobs.

It's hard in Korea to make it as a musician or singer or an "idol". It's even frowned up upon. There is still this cliché of: you better be a doctor or a lawyer. Don't even dream to turn anything creative into a job, cause it won't bring you money.

You can tell that I never cared about those. I even was a music student back then. And no, I never wanted to turn my passion into a profession.
Why did I study music then? Cause I'm a rebel at heart. LOL


"It's way too hot today! Do you really want to do this? The evenings are as hot as in the day." – "Oh come on Hana! You can do this!"
He tried to pull me up from bed. He didn't succeed, cause I just fell back onto it. Actually we were supposed to be already out in Hongdae playing, but this summer was just too hot for me.

"Ya! Kang Hanna! Come on! It's not going to be as bad as you think. I know how much you want to be out there singing right now." I'm back to laying on bed and trying to reach my phone in that position. I finally managed to grab my phone and just stared at the time.
"Yeah exactly! It's already past seven and the others are already waiting for us, so we can start on time. Hanaya!", again I was pulled up from bed. This time he even managed to do it. (He, who is not my boyfriend. He is just my best friend.)

When we arrived it was as hot as I expected it to be. They really want to play today? Today??
But then it just needed a few beats to persuade me and we've already been playing 5 songs.
Usually now was the time, when we started to experiment with our own interpretations and covers and invited everyone to tag along.


500 years later... LOL
Yes I forgot about it ... Forgive me...
Or maybe not. Like as if I care.
Not me starting on a new page and actually turning back to see what I actually wanted to do.

Ah! Lee Hongki.. Oh!...
Back then my friends and I were playing on the streets of Hongdae. When suddenly the mic was passed to someone and everyone was shocked after they found out to whom they just passed it.
Yes! Lee Hongki! That dude seriously just casually walked through Hongdae with his cap, mask and sunglasses on without even getting noticed. And now this.

I am a fan of him and FTISLAND for years now. And no i did not decide to play in Hongdae just in hopes of randomly crossing paths with one of them. That was the first time seeing him right in front of me like this.
We started our interpretations of one of their songs. My friends switched places with the audience and I was singing a duet with a student from the crowd around us.

Everything went so fast, that I couldn't even really notice anything that was happening. Later I was told that Hongki himself asked for the mic (as random as he is). I just continued singing the song, as if nothing was happening, even though I knew exactly whose voice I was just listening to. In the end me – Kang Hanna – just sang a duet with Lee Hongki – in the middle of Hongdae.


The applause just became a background noise. Cause all I could think of was: Lee Hongki. LEE HONGKI!!! I tried not to stare at him. My friends and everyone else already started surrounding him to take photos and videos of him. And I. I just stood there and couldn't fathom it. When he started moving, I was amazed. I never got this close to him. He praised my voice and told me that I got a lot of talent and that I shouldn't waste that. While he was telling me that, he gave back our mic he was using. Then he just smiled at me, pushed back his mask, said his farewells and just left. I couldn't even say anything.

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