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A/n: gonna make another chapter later cause I'm bored out of my mind honestly..











"I am...not touching that."

Hyo and Isagi both were paired together for a science experiment and, were both very disgusted with what they had to do.

"I'm not touching it either.." Hyo mumbled softly.

"So, were going to fail this." Isagi said.

"Yep." Hyo nodded.

"Isagi, Isagi! What're yous doing?" Bachira asked running up to their counting and peeking at it.

"A....frog..." Isagi sighed.

"Oooh! That's unlucky.." Bachira hummed and poked the frog.

"Yep.." Hyo nodded in agreement.

"Who's your partner Bachira?" Isagi asked.

"Rin!" Bachira responded.

"Oh." Isagi responded bluntly.

Hyo just awkwardly chuckled and looked away shrugging off the very irritated aura coming off Isagi.

"Well what do yous have to do?" Bachira asked and stared at the 2.

"What do we have to do?" Hyo looked at Isagi.

Isagi shrugged.

"I wasn't paying attention." Isagi said.

Bachira laughed lightly.

"I could just ask for yous!" Bachira said and ran off to the teacher.

"Why werent you paying attention?" Hyo asked and looked at Isagi.

"I...don't care for this class." Isagi replied before pausing.

"Why werent you?" He asked and looked at Hyo who awkwardly chuckled.

"You were...on your phone?" Isagi deadpanned him and Hyo nodded slowly.

"And there it is..." Isagi sighed.

"Okay I know what yous have to do!" Bachira said and picked up some of the materials they had set up.

So, Bachira ended up sticking by Hyo and Isagi the whole time, somewhat forcing Rin to come by them, he didn't really do anything though, and Hyo was hella uncomfortable with the tension between them.

"What next?" Hyo asked.

"Art." Chigiri responded walking up beside Isagi, as usual, scaring the life out of Hyo.

"Thanks.." Hyo laughed awkwardly.

"No problem." Chigiri said.

"Can you draw Isagi?" Hyo asked.

"Ive known you for how long, and you still don't know?" Isagi deadpanned him.

"Uh....." Hyo mumbled.

"I can not draw, only wobbly stickman." Isagi sighed softly and looked back down at his phone.

"Where do yous usually go at interval and all?" Chigiri asked.

"We hang out with Reo and Nagi, the 2 you met last night, we go to the rooftop." Hyo explained.

"Oh, cool alright." Chigiri nodded with a smile.

They had small conversations between them before they got to art class and when they looked at the board, it completely ruined Isagis mood.

"Aha..." Hyo awkwardly chuckled.

"Why." Isagi groaned softly.

There was a seating plan set, and out of everyone Isagi were to be paired with, it had to be Rin. Hyo was set beside someone he's never actually talked too before, so this would be interesting for both Isagi and Hyo.

Isagi slowly dragged himself too his seat and sat himself beside Rin, not even making eye contact and looked away. Thankfully for Isagi, his and Rins placements were right next to Chigiri and this other guy, so him and Chigiri were able to make small talk.

Unfortunately though, Isagi being Isagi, he spaced out and was not paying attention to the teacher explaining what they were doing, and he couldn't ask Chigiri either since he went to the bathroom. Isagi groaned in annoyance and stared at Rin.

"Itoshi, what're we doing." Isagi said.

"Were you not paying attention?" Rin asked irritated.

"No." Isagi said.

Rin sighed and placed his pencil down and stared at Isagi. He then began explaining to Isagi what they had to do and Isagi kept complaining inside of his head because he did not feel like doing this.

"K, thanks." Isagi mumbled the 'thanks' bit in his sentence, though Rin did still manage to hear it.

They were both in silence for, around 7 minutes before Isagi spoke up again.

"What else did you have to say to me last night." Isagi asked, not looking at Rin, his eyes were still focused on his paper.

"Nothing." Rin responded.

"You really can't say that, you know." Isagi said annoyed.

"Wasn't anything important." Rin said.

"Then why can't you tell me?" Isagi questioned him.

"Because I don't want too." Rin said.

"You're weird." Isagi sighed.

"Why so curious?" Rin asked and finally looked at Isagi.

"Why so secretive?" Isagi asked.

They both went silent for a minute.

"Nothing." Rin finally said and went back to the art thing they're working on currently.

Silent again, before Rin decided to speak up.

"Sorry." Was what he mumbled making Isagi pause.

"Sorry?" Isagi asked double checking if he heard right making him look up from his paper to stare at Rin.

"Not what I said." Rin lied.

"You lying? Cause that's kinda what it had sounded like." Isagi said, looking him in disbelief.

"Must be hearing things." Rin said.

"K then...whatever." isagi sighed and looked away.











A/n: can someone give me a very, very, quick description of Kuronas personality please?? 😭, Planning to bring him into the story next chapter hopefully so yes 👌.

Also, how would you guys like his and Isagis relationship to be?

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