5. chapter 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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The weekends past quickly and it was now a Monday morning. Yes, you read it right. A. Monday. Morning. I mean, could you blame yourself for that? I think most people hate monday mornings. I know I do.

And here you are, at 7 in the morning, taking a seat at your desk in your classroom. You have set down your bag on your seat, before taking out a sketch book.

You sigh, taking out your pencil case. You took out a pen and started sketching a little to pass the time.

And of course, when you walked in the class you've noticed the empty seat beside you in which the white haired friend of yours was seated. You thought that he'll probably be a little late so you shrugged it off.

Humming a quiet song to yourself as you scribbled on your book, drawing some adorable cats, or literally anything you could think of at the moment.

When you were too distracted, you hadn't notice someone taking a seat beside you.


" Good morning, (Name).. "


In an instant, you turned your head to look at the direction of where the voice had came from.


" Hm? Nagi? "


There was a brief moment of silence before realization hits you.


" Ah.. yes.. good morning, Nagi. " You smiled at him.


Nagi nods in acknowledgement before taking out his phone. Assuming that he'll keep himself occupied with it, you decided to continue on scribbling random things.

You can't help but be reminded of the events that has happened on last week's Friday. You smiled to yourself, being deep in your thoughts.

A few minutes later, the school bell rang which means the first period is starting. So when the teacher walked in the class, the first lesson of the day had started.


Timeskip (i don't want to write too much boring stuff😔)


It was now the last lesson of the day. Looking up onto the clock on the wall, there was two minutes left till the end of class. You groaned in frustration.

★𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳 || Nagi Seishiro x reader (Discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now